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TWebServices: Update v.5.40.10


  TWebServices 5.40.10 and TWebServices-auth 5.40.10 - September, 2017


You must update to TWebServices v.5.40.00 and  TWebServices-auth v.5.40.00 before updating to this version

TWebServices v.5.40.10 and twebservices-auth v.5.40.10 (This product is used to provide other Trillium products, such as Via, and other third party tools the ability to authenticate Trillium users) are compatible with Core Trillium 3.16.00, 3.17.00 and newer.


Release Notes




The product has been updated with Struts 2 v.2.3.34 to address the vulnerability issue in the Apache Struts 2 web application framework which was announced in September. (see for further details).

You don't need to apply the emergency patch if you install this version. 

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