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Trillium OnSIS: Update v.3.18.00


Trillium OnSIS v.3.18.00 October, 2017

This version is compatible with Core Trillium 3.16.00 and higher



This version of Trillium OnSIS has been updated to incorporate all Ministry required changes for the October 2017 submission, including all required changes for the October Elementary and Secondary school submissions.

Important Note:  The Ministry has renamed the aboriginal self ID tag to indigenous self ID.  This change is retroactive to previous submissions.  If you are still working on earlier submissions once the Ministry releases its October version (currently scheduled for Oct. 27) you must use this new Trillium OnSIS version in order to get the correct tag name. The Ministry has also added columns, renamed them, or expanded their field size in several .csv files for the October submission. As a result, this version of OnSIS must be used in order to successfully import any csv files created after the Ministry upgrades their site to the new October version. The changes to the. csv files apply to all submission files, including any past submissions that you may be working on.

Please do not use Excel to edit, modify or save your CSV files as it changes formatting and causes errors during the loading of these files. Notepad should be used to edit, modify or save those files.

 Release Notes 

FunctionDetailsTicket #
CodesThe OnSIS code for Farsi has been corrected to use Code 35, as per the Ministry's reference table.135644

OnSIS Reports

When regenerating the Summary reports, if a student had a null value for their previous school's language, OnSIS generated a Powerbuilder error. We've fixed that.


OnSIS Reports

The OnSIS Detail Reports generated an error when they were run for a bsid that was shared between multiple day schools. We've fixed that, too. 


OnSIS Snapshot

When reporting Courses under the SHSM Courses section, courses that had been reported to OnSIS through the OTHER_CREDIT section in previous submissions did not have their Credit Type calculated correctly in the SHSM Courses section. When the course type is Day Out-of-School Co-op, the Credit Type now maps correctly to 15.


OnSIS Snapshot

The Ministry requires that the CLASSES_MISSED value on secondary school students' Class Enrolment section should include Period Attendance types 'A', 'C' and 'G' (Absent, Counsellor Contacted, G-Days). This requirement is only forOnSIS reporting, and does not impact the Attendance used to report Absences on the Report Card. Total Classes missed will now be calculated by the Snapshot instead of being taken from the Report Card. Total Lates for the Class are still retrieved from the student's Report Card.

OnSIS Snapshot

A new tag, TOTAL_CLASS_COURSE,  has been added to the Class Segment section for the Secondary School submission file. This value presents the number of Classes for the segment. Since segments are created based on five-character Course Codes, this value will represent the largest number of class meetings from any of the Courses represented by this segment. The Absences reported for a student within the Course segment cannot exceed this total.

OnSIS Snapshot

If a student has an Exceptionality reported, the IPRC student flag will automatically be reported as True. 

OnSIS SnapshotWe made the Ministry-mandated change to all labels, from Aboriginal to Indigenous, throughout OnSIS.

OnSIS Snapshot

E-learning courses with a mark of 'I' will now be reported to OnSIS with a mark of zero. This will avoid a missing data error being created on the Ministry site.

OnSIS SnapshotA school encountered the situation where a student taking BBI2O had this Course reported with an Institution Code. Since this is not a dual-credit Course, we no longer populate this field.132911

OnSIS Snapshot

Students who enter and depart a school within the Submission Period will be included in the Submission file if they have ADE or High Credit ADE information to report.

OnSIS Snapshot

For the CTCC submission, students who left the school prior to the end of the School Year were having their Departure Date reported as Aug. 31. We corrected that.  


OnSIS Snapshot

A dual-credit course was reported with the wrong Institution Code as a result of the Course Code validation tables listing the Course as expired. We modified that report to supply the correct Institution Code for expired Courses. 


OnSIS Snapshot

When reporting Class Codes for schools that share the same bsid, Trillium OnSIS combines the Class Code and School Code with the pipe separator "|" (i.e., ADA1O1|SCH) to ensure that each Class is uniquely identified in the submission file. When reporting day schools that share a bsidyou'll need to ensure you use this OnSIS version for the October submission.

OnSIS SnapshotSome clients encountered an error where full-time students with 0.5 High Credit FTE triggered an error. This has been fixed.135891, 136149, 136269, 136392
OnSIS SnapshotThe student ADE for Correspondence/Self-Study/E-learning courses was calculating incorrectly when the same six-character Course Code and Section number were offered at multiple schools. We fixed that.136349

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