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Incident Tracking: Preferences, Security, Validation Tables


Display Behaviour Scale

Selecting this box enables the Behaviour Scale picklist on the Infraction accordion bar.

Include CCs on Letters

Selecting this box includes the values from the Incident CC Names validation table on the Suspension letter.

Number of Days for Appeal

Selecting this box determines the number of days for an appeal.

Override Suspension End Date

Selecting this box enables the overwriting of the automatically calculated Suspension End Date.

Progressive Discipline

Selecting this box enables the Progressive Discipline accordion bar.

Search for Board Staff

Selecting this box enables the Searching of Board Staff.


Full Name


Incident Tracking - Delete Incident

InTrak - Controls the ability to delete an incident

Incident Tracking - Delete Participant

InTrak - Controls the ability to delete a participant

Incident Tracking - Incident

InTrak - Controls the ability to add/update/delete incidents

INTRAK - Change School Year

InTrak - Controls the ability to change the school year

Incident Tracking - Validation Table - Incident Appeal Status

InTrak - Controls access to Incident Appeal Status validation table

Incident Tracking - Validation Table - Incident CC Names

InTrak - Controls access to Incident CC Names validation table

Incident Tracking - Validation Table - Incident Consequences

InTrak - Controls access to Incident Consequences validation table

Incident Tracking - Validation Table - Incident  Injuries

InTrak - Controls access to Incident Injuries validation table

Incident Tracking - Validation Table - Incident Locations

InTrak - Controls access to Incident Locations validation table

Incident Tracking - Validation Table - Incident Support/Strategy

InTrak - Controls access to Incident Support/Strategy validation table

Incident Tracking - Validation Table - Incident Roles

InTrak - Controls access to Incident Roles validation table

Gateway - Incident Tracking  

Enable Gateway menu item 'Incident Tracking', Access to INTRAK directly and through Trillium Via

Incident Tracking - Validation Table - Infraction Types

InTrak - Controls access to Infarction Types validation table

Validation Tables

Controls access to the validation tables

www Board Preferences - Configuration Settings

Controls access to the Preferences - Board - Configuration page

www Change Password

Gives access to the change password window in all web modules

Validation Tables

Incident Appeal Status

When assigned, you will be allowed to access this validation table. This is a system table. You will not be allowed to modify it in any manner.

Incident CC Names

When assigned, you will be allowed to add, delete, check and uncheck the Active flag.

Incident Consequences

When assigned, you will be allowed to access this validation table. This is part system table and part Board defined table. You will be allowed to add, delete, check and uncheck the Active flag on all values except Suspension and Expulsion.

Infraction Types

When assigned, you will be allowed to access this validation table. This is part system table and part Board defined table. You will be allowed to add and delete data from the Board defined portion of the table. The Short Description field is mandatory.

Incident Injuries

When assigned, you will be allowed to add, delete, check and uncheck the Active flag.

Incident Locations

When assigned, you will be allowed to access this validation table. This is a system table. You will not be allowed to modify it in any manner.

Incident Roles

When assigned, you will be allowed to access this validation table. This is part system table and part Board defined table. You will be allowed to add and delete data from the Board defined portion of the table.

Incident Support/ Strategy

When assigned, you will be allowed to access this validation table. This is part system table and part Board defined table. You will be allowed to add and delete data from the Board defined portion of the table.


The Infraction Types Table refers to the various types of infractions that may occur.

The selections in the Infractions picklist are Reported to Ministry and Not Reported to Ministry.  The window changes, depending on your selection.

The Reported to Ministry codes cannot be modified and are sent with the annual OnSIS submission when the Consequence of the Incident is Suspension or Expulsion.

The only field that can be edited on the Ministry Infractions portion of the table is Board Ref. #. This is a unique number some Boards of Education use internally.

The Board Infractions Mapped to Ministry portion of the table is used by Boards to enter their own codes and map them to a Ministry Reported Infraction, if desired.

To map a Board code:

  1.  Click Add to create a row on the table. In the Code Field, enter the name of the Board Infraction
  2.  Enter a Description of the code.
  3.  Enter a Short Description, if desired.
  4.  From the Mapped to Ministry picklist, select the Ministry Reported Infraction the Board Infraction is to be reported as.
  5.  Enter the Board Ref. #, if relevant.
  6.  The fields Ed. Act Result, Ed. Act #, and OnSIS Code are completed by our application with the values pertinent to the selection made in Mapped to Ministry.
  7.  The Active checkbox is on (selected) by default. If the code is not meant to be active at this time, deselect the box.
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