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EAS: School Report Periods

This is the second menu option among the six Elementary Achievement tabs. It defines the Report Periods for schools and determines Report Card issue dates. In order to generate Report Cards, all three Report Periods must be defined. Once defined, a school would "Generate Achievement," creating place-holders for students' Subject Marks. This page also allows for the calculation of Attendance totals and Subject medians. OnSIS mapping allows schools to specify the Report Periods for October, March and June data submission for the Ministry.


This Menu option is controlled by the EAS - Elementary Achievement Build security task. Our application adheres to the "Update Flag" setting for the particular user when determining if fields are editable. The "All Students" flag must be set "On" or no updates will be allowed.
The OnSIS mapping section of the page is controlled by the EAS - Map Report Periods for OnSIS School Level security task, since the mapping will be done by school administrators.

School Report Period

When you open this accordion bar, three rows for the three Report Periods display in the top grid. The values P, 1, and 2 populate the rows and are non-editable
The system does not set any default values for Report Period dates when creating new Report Period records.

Page Controls

Define Report Periods

Report Period

  • Populated by our system with P, 1, 2 labels
  • Values are non-editable

*Start Date

  • Your board's guideline for the Report Period Start Date.
  • A mandatory field

*End Date

  • Your board's guideline for the Report Period End Date.
  • A mandatory field

*Mark Entry End Date

  • Your board's guideline for the last date when teachers can enter marks in the Report Period.
  • A mandatory field

*R. C. Print Date

  • Your board's guideline for the date that will be printed on the Report Card. The date might not coincide with the Report Period End Date, since the actual print might not occur on this date, and yet this is the date that should appear in the printed version of the official Report Card.
  • A mandatory field

*Calculate Atd After

  • Your board's guideline for the latest date when the Attendance totals must be calculated. Official Report Cards cannot be printed unless Attendance has been calculated after this date.
  • A mandatory field

Publish Date

  • Your board's guideline for the date after which the Achievement data can be shown in Via. The date is used by the Trillium Agent to show only allowed Marks and Comments in the Student and Teacher portals. This field is applicable only to the boards that use Via and adheres to the Via preference - if the Via preference is 'On' this column is visible.

Initial Gen. Date

  • The first date that a full generation of Achievement records was done for the Report Period.


  • The Lock checkbox can be used as a tool to prevent schools from erroneous generation of Achievement records outside of the Report Period. Once the Report Period data was copied to schools, the schools should verify and possibly change the dates before generating the achievement records. Schools often generate achievement records ahead of time, and have to erase wrongly generated data after. The checkbox would ensure that the Achievement records were generated intentionally rather than by mistake, since the check box must be cleared in order for the Generate Achievement button to be available

Build Achievement for Report Period: 

This is the second section on the School Report Periods page. Generate achievement records can be built for all or selected students or Homeroom/Classes in the Report Period you select in the top of this form.

Use these controls

All Students

(Last calculated on by User ID) 

  • Radio button to select all students at the school for Achievement generation.
  • Displays the last date/time the Achievement records were generated for all students at the school and who performed it.

Some Students 

(X students selected)

  • Use radio button and Student Search to select only a few students at the school for Achievement generation.
  • Shows the number of students selected for generation.
  • The radio button will be enabled only after the entire school Achievement records were generated first.

Student Search

Click Student Search to use the Search function, allowing multiple students to be selected.

  • This button is enabled only after the entire school Achievement records were generated.

Some Homerooms/Classes

(X classes selected)

  • Radio button to select Classes at the school for Achievement generation.
  • Shows the number of homerooms/classes selected for generation.
  • The Radio button is enabled only after the entire school achievement records were generated first.

Homeroom/Class Search

Click Homeroom/Class Search to search among homerooms and classes, allowing multiple of either to be selected.

The  button is enabled only after the entire school achievement records were generated first.

Generate Achievement

The button is visible only if you have security permissions to update the information on this page.

  • Disabled if no Report Period is selected or Locked flag is set 'On' for the selected Report Period.
  • Disabled if no student option is selected. 
  • If "All Students" option is selected, the records will be generated for the entire school
  • If "Some Students" option is selected, your will need to use the Select Student pop-up window to choose the students.  If "Some Homerooms/Classes" option is selected, you will need to use the Select Homerooms/Classes Popup to choose the homerooms/classes. 

Calculate Attendance and Median for Report Period

This is the third section of the School Report Periods page. Here, you can perform these functions in the selected Report Period:

  • Calculate student attendance totals for all students
  • Calculate median for all students

Calculate Options

Attendance (Last calculated on by User ID)

  • If this checkbox is selected, your default, the Calculate function will include the Attendance calculation for all students at the school.
  • (Last Generated On ..... By....) displays the last date/time when the Attendance totals were calculated for all students at the school, and the user who performed it.
  • This checkbox is enabled only after the entire school achievement records were generated first otherwise it is disabled.

Median (Last calculated on by User ID)

  • If this checkbox is selected, your default, the Calculate function will include the median calculation for all students at the school.
  • (Last Generated On ..... By....) will display the last date/time when the medians were calculated for all students at the school, and the user who performed it.
  •  This checkbox is enabled only after the entire school Achievement records were generated first, otherwise it is disabled.

Command Buttons


  1. The button is visible only if you have security permissions to update the information on this page
  2. Disabled if no Report Period is selected, or Locked flag is set ON or Achievement records were not generated for the entire school yet.
  3. When you click Calculate, the median and/or Attendance totals are calculated for all students at the school, and saved to the database
  4. Last Calculated Attendance and Median Date, Time and User Id are updated on the page (Last Generated On ..... By….).
  5. Your successful result, os an error, is displayed beside the button. 

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