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Via Forms (OnLine Registration) v.3.8.40


Via Online Forms Online Registration 3.8.40 - December 2020


These components and versions are required. This version involves updating various products:

  • Core Trillium v.4.13.10
  • VIA Platform v.1.4.10
  • TWebOLR v.1.73.20
  • Trillium Agent v.2.93.10
  • TWebServices-Auth v.5.42.00

Please Note:

Via Forms 3.8.30 required an update of the .NET framework to .NET 4.8 and the TLS protocol to TLS1.2. 

Please follow the instructions this Community article to upgrade your .NET framework and enable TLS 1.2.


Via Forms 3.8.30 download is here.

Release Notes

Client Ticket #

The ministry has announced that effective October 2021, school boards will no longer be required to complete the Children's Early Years Experience (EYE) survey when enrolling in Kindergarten.
We have provided instructions to exclude the EYE survey questions from the default Via Forms schema template.
We have also provided instructions to remove the EYE survey from an existing Via Forms schema.


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