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Core Trillium Update 4.14.10


Core Trillium v.4.14.10 - January 2021


Core Trillium 4.14.10 download is here.

Release Notes

Client Ticket #


This version of Core Trillium encompasses changes to support the Part Time Minute calculations and enrolment registers for Quadmester and Octomester schools. Refer to the detailed description of modifications found in the document attached to this PowerSchool Community article.
BoardA new window, Quad/Octomester Setup, is available to define the 16th day of each quadmester or octomester. Users require the new security task Quad/Octomester Set-Up (Configuration de quadri/octomestre for French clients) to access this new window.  These dates must be defined in order for the PT Minute Calculations to run successfully. Refer to the detailed description of modifications found in the document attached to this PowerSchool Community article.
PreferencesThe School Demographic Preferences window has two new fields to identify the type of semesters that the school is using for the first and second half of the school year, defaulting to Semestered. A new preference to identify the last day of the first half of the year is also created, and must be populated for any school using Quadmesters or Octomesters. Refer to the detailed description of modifications found in the document attached to this PowerSchool Community article.
ReportsA new Enrolment Registers (Secondary Quad/Octomester Only) has been added to the Report Launcher. Schools running a quadmester or octomester schedule for all or a portion of the year must use this register to meet the Ministry's requirements for the averaging of a student's FTE on the count dates. Users require the new security task 'Enrolment Registers (Secondary Quad/Octomester Only)' ('Registre des effectifs (Secondaire quadri/octomestre seulement)' for French clients) to access this new report.

Secondary AchievementTrillium has introduced a new trigger to ensure that the Final Marks/Earned credits calculation does not fail when a student's CTCC bsid or Designated school bsid are blank instead of null.
ReportsThe Course Request Tally Report now ensures that the totals for Course Requests and Requests by Grade agree.05031533TRILL-9618
Compulsory Credit CalculationsThe Compulsory Credit calculations now ensures that a student who has met all OSSD 1999 diploma requirements in the 2021-2022 school year except for completing 40 hours of community service will have their diploma awarded if they have completed at least 20 hours of community service.
ReportsThe official and working Transcripts have been modified to ensure that students earning the OSSD 1999 diploma in 2021-2022 with 20 or more community hours will have the 'Completed' checkbox checked.
Part Time Minute CalculationsRebuilding Part Time Minutes can now be successfully completed for very large schools, such as the virtual schools that are common this school year.05263604TRILL-9768

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