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Core Trillium Update


Core Trillium v. - June 2020


Windows 7 is no longer supported by Trillium or Microsoft,  and patches or security updates are no longer offered for this operating system.  Without security updates, PowerBuilder applications running on Windows 7 are at risk of security vulnerabilities.  We strongly recommend upgrading to a newer version of the operating system.


Core Trillium download is here.

Release Notes

AreaDetailsClient Ticket #JIRA

Oracle Clients

Oracle clients have encountered an issue when Adding a New Student using Core Trillium 4.13.10. Trillium attempts to insert a null for the new Community Hours Waive flag, generating a PowerBuilder error. This issue does not occur for SQL Server clients.

We have posted a new zip file ( containing a full set of pbds with the required changes that Oracle clients can use in place of We have also provided a file with just the modified pbds for HotFix 1 ( that you can use to replace the same pbds from the original, for those boards that prefer not to apply a completely new set of pbds.

When applied, the version on your splash screen will display v


When printing a transcript for a CTCC student, the name of the board appears in place of the name of the school.. While retesting all transcripts, we also identified an issue with the Board name not printing on any student's Official Transcript.

We have posted a new zip file ( containing a full set of pbds with the required changes for both Hotfix 1 and Hotfix 2 that clients can use in place of  We have also provided a file with just the modified pbds for HotFix 2 ( that you can use to replace the same pbds from, for those boards that prefer not to apply a completely new set of pbds.
When applied, the version on your splash screen will display v

Compatibility IssueCT 4.13.10 does not check for compatibility between the database and front end on startup. The issue was corrected.05018170TRILL-9459

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