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TWebSchAdmin Update 5.41.00


TWebSchAdmin v.5.41.00 - December, 2018

You must be running TWebSchAdmin v.5.40.60 or higher before updating to this version.

TWebSchAdmin  5.41.00 is compatible with:

  • Core Trillium v.4.11.00 
  • Landing page v.5.40.60
  • CAS Central Authorization System  v.2.10.00


This hotfix corrects these conditions:

  • In Class/Group tab, when updating attendance for a full day, the attendance entry was not overwriting even after clicking Yes from the overwrite popup. This issue is now resolved.
  • In the Admin/Slip tab, previous attendance records without a reason/comment were not updated when the Student later Signs In that day with a reason/comment, even after clicking Yes from the overwrite popup. This issue is now resolved.


TWebSchAdmin download is here.

Release Notes

FunctionDetailsClient Ticket #TRILL
GeneralThis application has been updated with the latest version of Apache Struts 2 file commons-fileupload-1.3.3.jar, as recommended by the Apache Struts 2 team.

In-application help for TWebSchAdmin is now provided through a new searchable website. Your board no longer has to install the Online Help web application previously provided by Trillium. The help link within TWebSchAdmin automatically opens in your Board’s language setting. Open a service ticket if you would like to provide feedback on the online help content.

To access the new help, you'll need to make two edits to your TWebSchAdmin.xml config file. Complete instructions are included with the Install instructions here.


Clients have reported some issues with generating Secondary Achievement, or printing Elementary Report Cards that have been traced back to the *CTCC BSID* and *Designated School BSID* fields that were added to the student enrolment record. When these fields are empty instead of null, some functions do not work as expected. We have adjusted all data entry points for these fields, including TwebOLR (Nov 2018 release). We also provide a script in the main upgrade package of CT 4.11.00. You can include this check in your database monitoring, or run it prior to upgrading to CT 4.11.00. The script:

**UPDATE student_enrolments SET DBSID = NULL WHERE DBSID = ' ' or DBSID=‘’;
UPDATE student_enrolments SET CBSID = NULL WHERE CBSID = ' ' or CBSID=‘’;**

Admin AttendanceTo help you send students to class quickly, we've added a Clear button on the Attendance Entry pages. It clears the previously selected values and sets default values for Report As as "Absent," and Entry Mode as "Sign In." Time is set to the current time.
Admin Attendance

This release brings new Sign-In functionality. You now have the the ability to sign in an Individual student, or groups of students, using a G-day code. This feature is available on the Individual Attendance (Trill-5797), Class/Group Attendance (-5799), and Admit Slip (-5800) pages of Admin Attendance.

We discussed with the Trillium User Group that when a sign-in is entered, in some scenarios it is appropriate to overwrite the Attendance for the previous Periods, and at other times it is not. The Group decided we should provide the opportunity for you to decide which Periods to overwrite. The Individual Attendance Entry has that ability now.

If your student has no Attendance entered for the day, when the sign-in is processed:

  • The previous Periods will be assigned the Attendance Type of the sign in (A, G, E).;
  • The Period of the sign in will be assigned a code of L, E or G (as appropriate);
  • All future Attendance Periods will be marked as Present.
  • You will receive no additional prompts.

For a student who already has Attendance recorded for one or more Periods that day, a pop-up window appears, showing the student’s current Attendance before any changes for the sign-in are applied.

  • Periods where the student has no Attendance recorded will be displayed so you have the ability to keep the Present Periods as well.
  • You will be asked to identify any Attendance that should be kept untouched when the sign in is processed.
  • If your student has signed out previously in the day, you will want to select those Periods, so the Attendance is not changed.
  • The rest of the day will, in most cases, not be selected.

If the student has E, G or Non-Instructional Attendance recorded for Periods later in the day, an additional comment appears in the instructions, alerting you to these types of records. It will be your responsibility to select those upcoming periods if that Attendance should be maintained.

If Attendance is being entered for multiple days, the list will contain the Periods of all of the days. Periods where your student has no Attendance recorded still need to be displayed so you have the ability to keep the Present periods as well. Periods where the student has no Class assigned will not need to be displayed. Future Periods that do not have any Attendance recorded will not need to be included in the grid.

We will consider making a similar change for the Admit Slips and Class/Group in the spring release, pending the design of the interface required when multiple students and multiple days are updated.

Learn more about the G-Day Code here.

03585165, 036425004518, 5839, 4787
Admin AttendanceWe've added a Clear button to the right of the Reason field on the Class/Group page. It clears the previously selected values and sets default values for Report As as "Absent," and Entry Mode as "All Day." It also hides the Period and Time fields.
Admin AttendanceA new Clear button is available to quickly reset to blank the Report As, Reason, and Entry Mode Attendance values, so you can enter the current student's values and send them to class as quickly as possible. Period and Time fields are hidden as well.
Admin AttendanceIf a Student Search returns a single student, they are now automatically selected, and opened.035690915559, 4988
Elementary Achievement SetupWhen the Student Search results return one student, the student will now be automatically selected. This applies to the School Report Periods and Subject Assignment by Student pages.035690914976
ReportsClasses that started after the beginning of the term will no longer be listed in the Attendance not Recorded Report for Dates between the Term's Start Date and the Class Start Date.037833265678
ReportsIn TWebSchAdmin, printing the Daily Attendance Record for a student from their home school produces two printouts: One showing Attendance at their home school and the other showing it for their shared school. If you print the Record from their shared or Continuing Education school, you'll get Attendance only for the school from which you print it.
Secondary Achievement Setup

The Ministry of Education has replaced Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) with a new Sector-Partnered Contextualized Experience (SPC) in the new version of SHSM award. In general, any students beginning an SHSM program after Sept. 1, 2017 will have SPC as a SHSM component, although students can choose to complete the OSP instead.
Whether they choose OSP or SPC, SHSM Component is a mandatory field if they take a SHSM program.

  • When OSP is selected as the SHSM component, the Used Ontario Skills Passport checkbox on the row with the label of OSP is visible and enabled. 
  • When SPC is selected as the SHSM component, the three checkboxes (Coding; Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship; and Mathematical Literacy) on the row with the label of SPC are visible and enabled. A student must complete at least one. More information available here.

Secondary Achievement SetupThe Compulsory Credit calculation process does not identify a Business credit as a Compulsory Credit within a Q Course when the student is attempting an OSSD (1989) diploma. We fixed that.036457385428
Secondary Achievement SetupTo incorporate the new SHSM Component information into the determination of whether a student has met the SHSM requirements, we updated the Compulsory Credit Calculation. When an SHSM student is identified as working towards:
* The Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) requirement, the student must have the Used Ontario Skills Passport checkbox selected.
* The Sector-Partnered Contextualized Experience requirement, the student must have selected at least one of these three checkboxes: Coding; Mathematical Literacy; or Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. More information available here.

Secondary Achievement Setup

In order to separate the generation of achievement reports from editing Report Periods, a new Security Task, SAS - Build Report Periods Achievement is available. This new task now controls access to the menu item Report Periods. Users with this security task will not be able to modify the Report Period settings, but will be able to select a Report Period and generate achievement reports or calculate functions for the selected Report Period.

The existing Security Task, SAS - Report Periods, now controls the user's ability to modify Report Periods.

Overall, the resulting new behaviour is:

  • If the user needs only to generate achievement records, then assign the Security Task SAS - Build Report Periods Achievement.
  • If user needs to generate achievement records and modify Report Period parameters, then both the SAS - Build Report Periods Achievement and SAS - Report Periods Security Tasks have to be assigned.

Please adjust your user profiles accordingly.

Secondary Achievement SetupWhen a Student Search returns only one student, that student is automatically selected and their details are displayed.035690914977
Secondary AchievementWhen setting up the Course Section-to-Report Period Mapping for an early completion course that is scheduled for only one term, Trillium will now also create the Report Period F record. 035768674642
Staff MaintenanceWhen a Staff Search returns only one staff member, the details for that staffer is automatically selected and their details displayed.035690914978
Student MaintenanceWhen a student is registered into a Continuing Education school his OSR School BSID will be correctly updated to the Home school where the student is currently active.035866435572
Student MaintenanceWhen you search for a street name by entering its first letter, internal restrictions limit the number of matches. We've lifted these restrictions.035871405647
Student MaintenanceAfter departing from the current school year, 2018-2019, when a student decided to return the following year as a new student, an Enrolment record was created instead of the proper Entry and Funding records. We corrected this.036053994834
Student MaintenanceStudents can now be demitted from school on the day immediately following the end of their early completion courses. Warning messages will only appear if Attendance records exist for the student on or after that departure date.03586878, 037658384835
Student MaintenanceWe updated the Demit/NoShow process to ensure it correctly identifies the appropriate enrolment scenario, and students are demitted or NoShowed properly.
Student MaintenanceGrade 9 students that are new to your school can now be demitted from the school. Previously, their demit reason was disabled.

03742813, 03787852, 03749102

Student MaintenanceWhen demitting a returning student with no enrollment records in the previous year(s), a Technical Error is displayed. In addition, when the student is demitted a second time, the previous departure record is lost. We fixed both these issues.
Student MaintenanceWe have added a new checkbox Entered Canada as Refugee to the Citizenship section of the Demographics page. This information will be reported to EQAO, and is used to identify whether the student came to Canada as a refugee, regardless of their Status in Canada now.
Student MaintenanceAccording to Ministry requirements, Questions 3 and 7 are removed from the EYE survey page. The remaining questions have been renumbered in sequential order from 1 to 5. Here are the removed questions:
Question 3: Consider all the types of care that the child who you are registering for school used over the last few years. What 3 MAIN factors did you consider when you choosing care for your child? Please select 3 factors from the list and write the letter for each in the 3 boxes below.
Question 7: Consider all the activities in the community that the child you are registering for school participated in over the last few years. What 3 MAIN factors did you consider when you chose Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre programs or other activities in your community? Please select 3 factors from the list and write the letter for each in the 3 boxes below.

Student MaintenanceThe text for the EYE survey has been updated on the maintenance window to match the latest document provided by the Ministry.
Student MaintenanceWhen leaving the Early Years Experience accordion section, or the page entirely, you are now prompted regarding any unsaved changes.035867314789
Student MaintenanceIf you add a new student and demit that student in the same year; then pre-register the student in the same school for next year, an "Enrolment" record is created instead of Entry and Funding records. We've fixed that; proper Entry and Funding records are now created for such students.03584676 5036
Student MaintenanceYou are now able to update the Departure Reason for an Inactive student.036288015331
Student MaintenanceA student who is pre-registered at his Home school and shared with another school can now be successfully registered.035846385671
Student MaintenanceWhen a search results in a single student being returned, the application will automatically select this student for the user.035690913735
Student MaintenanceA new security task WWW Board Preferences controls access to the Student Maintenance Preferences tab. Adjust your user profiles accordingly.035867962913
Student MaintenanceFor Oracle clients, the Student Locator pop-up window does not always display student Class information. We have corrected that.

Note: The Student Locator icon should only be used for the current school year, not a past year. The purpose of the pop-up window is to show the user exactly where the student is _Today_. It identifies the student's Classes today; and the room and teacher for each class. For a past year, no information can be retrieved because Today isn't a valid date for last year.
Student MaintenanceWhen transferring students, you will no longer encounter the message "This student has early completion courses" when the student doesn't have these types of courses.036424943407

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