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Student Maintenance: Medical


This is the second of seven accordion bars in Student Demographics. This screen is used to enter and edit medical information on a single student, including:

  • Add and Delete allow you to edit this Student's records
  • To add items to the Alerts/Conditions picklist, currently, go here in Core Trillium: School Setup > Validation Tables >  Medical Details
  • Doctor Surname uses autocomplete, drawing from the Doctors Validation Table in Core Trillium. If you begin entering a name already on that table, a picklist of all doctors matching your entry will display. You can select the appropriate one and it will be placed in your field. If you type in a new name, the system alerts you a new Doctor will be added  -- if you have security rights to do so.


A new Security Task stumnt_add_doctor has been created for you to be able to Add a doctor to the table.Your security rights -- and two Board Preferences -- determine whether you can see the student's Health Card and Doctor. Medical Alerts and Conditions, two separate areas in Core Trillium, have been combined into one here.

  • One board preference involves health card number. When this preference is ON, the field Health Card Number is displayed and enabled.

  • The second is to display doctors. When this preference is ON the entire area for doctors is displayed and enabled.

Field Descriptors

Health Card Number
  • The student health card number appears. The field is visible if the board preference DISPLAYHEALTHCARDNUMBER value is 'x,' otherwise it is hidden.
  • Editable if you have update privileges.
  • Accepts both alpha and numeric characters.
  • The field is not mandatory.
Immunization Record Received

Enabled if you have update privileges. Default is OFF.

Medical Peril
  •  Enabled if you have update privileges. Default is OFF.
  • Selecting this box indicates the student has alerts and/or conditions that put them in medical peril.
  • When the checkbox is selected, the associated icon will be displayed in the Selected Student header.
  • The Medical Peril icon produces a pop-up of information pertinent to the individual student. This pop-up has its own security task, intended to be assigned to only those users who require access to this sensitive information.
  • The popup is read-only.
  • The field for the Medical Alerts and Conditions will be blank if the student is not enrolled in the school
Command Buttons


The button is visible if you have update privileges.

Medical Alerts and Conditions

Select/deselect check boxes

The checkboxes are visible you have update privileges.

Medical Alerts and Conditions

  • The student's Medical Alert and/or Condition will be displayed. The selection list is visible if you have update privileges.
  • The selections in the picklist are the values with the Active flag on from the Medical Details validation table and Blank.
  • Blank is the default.
  • The field is mandatory
  • The remark entered by any user appears. 
  • The field is enabled if you have update privileges.
  • The field has a maximum size of 240 characters and accepts both alpha and numeric characters.
  • The field is not mandatory.

Command Buttons


Visible if you have update privileges.
Click Add to add an empty row (first one) to the medical alerts and conditions table
  • When you Click Delete, our system verifies whether at least one row is selected. If not, you'll see a pop-up window with this error: "Please select at least one record".
  • If at least one one is selected, you'll see a confirmation pop-up with this message: "Do you want to delete the selected record(s)"
  • On confirmation, we remove from the table and datebase those rows you selected.

Managing doctors is streamlined to a single table with a maximum of two doctors per student Click Add to insert a new row as the top row on the table. Entering all or a portion of the doctor's name and/or telephone number (autocomplete has been applied), prompts a search of the database for the doctor. If we find a match, the fields fill in. The doctor must be unique (at least one element (last name, first name, phone number) must be different. If the doctor is not located, continue adding the doctor to the table as a new person.

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