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TWebSchAdmin Update 5.42.30


TWebSchAdmin v.5.42.30 - May 2020

The server must be running TWebSchAdmin v.5.42.20 before updating to this version.

TWebSchAdmin 5.42.20 is compatible with:

  • Core Trillium v.4.13.00 or higher
  • Landing page v.5.40.60 or higher
  • CAS Central Authorization System v.2.10.00


TWebSchAdmin 5.42.30 download is here.

Release Notes

FunctionDetailsClient Ticket #JIRA

Enrolment Maintenance

When marking a student as a no-show in the next school year (e.g. student will not return for Semester 2), the user will no longer encounter a database error due to attempts to delete the student's program information. 04656402TRILL-9076

Users having the new security task 'Override SHSM Earned Date Calculation' will be able to populate the empty date earned and granted by fields for a student's Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) section on the award/credit page.  Updating these fields will allow the student to earn their SHSM, even though some requirements have not been completed. Both the date earned and the granted by fields must be populated before the SHSM can be awarded.

Set on the 'Award OSSD Separately' checkbox in order for Trillium to award the OSSD without verifying that the student has also completed the SHSM requirements. Users will also be able to populate the SHSM fields before the student has been awarded the OSSD 1999, so care should be taken to ensure that the student is on track to graduate before overriding the SHSM information.

Security Tasks

A new security task 'Override SHSM Earned Date Calculation' enables the user to populate the earned date and granted by information for the student's SHSM, even though the student has not completed all necessary requirements.


A new 'Waive Hours Requirement' field has been added within the Community Involvement section of the Award/Credit tab. Schools can use this field to indicate that the student is no longer required to complete 40 hours of community service to earn their diploma. When checked, the corresponding Date Completed field will also be set to today's date. No additional security task is required to access this new field. Checking this waive field will also ensure that the N/A checkbox is checked on the student's transcript when printed.

SAS Build AchievementOn the Report Card Layout, the size of the 'For School Use' text box has been extended from 240 to 650 characters. 

Consult your browser online help to learn how to scale pages to print on one page.

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