Continuing Education: Entry by Class - Students Marks
The Lesson Completion page is used only to flag lessons or units as having been completed (such as would occur in a pass/fail grading scheme). If you need to record lesson/unit marks en masse, then you must use the Student Marks page. In Continuing Education, hover over Entry by Class, the second of the six top-level tab cards. Click Students Marks.
1. Enter the date the lessons or units were marked into the Date Marked field in the header.
2. Select the desired Cass and, if applicable, Course Section, from the Class and Course –Section lists, respectively.
3. Students in the selected Course and Section are listed vertically on the left. To record a lesson/unit mark for a particular student, enter the Mark into the applicable Mark box. Continue to do this Until all Marks have been entered for all of the students.
Note: Students who have dropped the course are signified by a (D) near their names.
4. Click Save when you have finished.
Note: Changing the values in the Date Marked and Mark fields automatically updates the corresponding fields on the Lesson Based Courses > Lesson Completion page. In addition, the corresponding lessons/units are flagged as Complete on both the Lesson Based Courses > Lesson Completion and the Entry by Class > Lesson Completion pages.