A new Via product, Demographic Updater, allows parents to update student and contact Information stored in Trillium. Here's what's available in the first phase of implementation:
Phase 1
Add, Delete and Update Student and Contact Address
Address Insert
Search to learn whether the address to be inserted exists.
If the address exists, then link the address to the person, i.e. insert a person-address relationship in the table with today as start date and null end date.
If the address does not exist, insert the address in the DB and then link the address to the person.
Address Update
Set the end date of the existing personal-address to yesterday. The rest of this process is the same as Address Insert.
Address Delete
Set the end date of the personal-address relationship to yesterday in the DB. The address is not deleted.
Add, Delete and Update Student and Contact Phones/Emails
Phone/Email Insert
Insert the new phone/email in the DB with today as start date and null end date.
Phone/Email Delete
Set the end date of the existing phone/email to yesterday in the DB. The deleted data is still in the DB without being removed.
Phone/Email Update
If any critical field (listed below) is changed, set the end date of the existing phone/email to yesterday. Then insert the new phone/email with today as the start date and null end date.
If the changed fields are NOT critical, the existing phone/email will be updated directly in the DB. The start/end date continue using their existing values without being changed.
Phone Critical Fields
Area Code
Phone Number
Extension Number
Email Critical Fields
Email Address
Add, Delete and Update Contact Demographic Information
Contact Insert
Add a new contact person in the DB with start date of today and null end date.
Contact Update
Update the existing contact fields in the DB without changing the start/end date.
Contact Delete
Set the end date of the contact to yesterday in the DB. The deleted contact is still kept without being removed.
Note: The right way to replace an existing contact with a new one is to delete the existing contact and then insert the new contact. We do notrecommend replacing the existing contact with the new one.
Priority of the Contact/Address/Phone/Email
All Priority fields are populated and transferred from the Submission forms. TWebOLR will validate if there are any priority conflictions. If any conflict is found, TWebOLR will display an exception page. The Priority is an attribute of the entity. It will be inserted, updated or deleted along with the entity.
Update Contact’s various flags
The Contact flags below are going to be populated and transferred from the Submission forms. TWebOLR will validate these and if any conflict is found, it will display an exception page.
Is this contact a guardian for the child?
Does this contact live with the child?
Does this contact speak the school's language?
Does this contact receive mail from the school?
Does this contact have custody of the child?
Does this contact have access to the child's school records?
Does this contact have access to the child?
Final step
Once the data is satisfactory, click Migrate to save the changes to the parents in your Trillium database.
Error messages
Click here to see a partial list of possible errots.
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