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Secondary Achievement Setup: SHSM Maintenance

In Secondary Achievement Setup, you've chosen the fifth and final tab card, SHSM Maintenance. This page is used to update SHSM Requirements flags and/or add, update or delete certificates for multiple students. You will be able to select the students assigned to a specific sector, or in a specific school offering the sector; and for a specific focus, or in a specific class or Group within the default school and year.

 More information on SHSM choices which became available in 2018-2019 is here

This page is controlled by three Security Tasks: SHSM Certification Maintenance, SHSM Certification Maintenance - Select by Group, and SHSM Certification Maintenance - Select by Sector.
You must have the update flag set ON in order to be able to edit anything on this page.
Page Controls


Available only if you are assigned SHSM Certification Maintenance - Select by Sector Security Task.

Allows you to search for students assigned to an SHSM program in the selected Sector, school and Focus.

SHSM School

Enabled only when SHSM Sector other than "All Sectors" is selected.

This picklist is populated with the schools offering SHSM programs for the selected Sector.


Enabled only when SHSM Sector other than "All Sectors" is selected and is populated with the focuses being offered in the selected Sector and school.


Click Class to select students by Class.
Allows you to search students assigned.
The Class list will include only the Classes you have access to.


Available only if you are is assigned SHSM Certification Maintenance - Select by Group Security Task.
Allows you to search for SHSM students assigned to a selected group.
The group list includes only groups assigned to you, or all groups if you are assigned the all-student flag on the main task controlling the page.


Uses Sector name as a filter on the list of available certifications.


Select the certification to assign to the list of students.  This is a list of certifications belonging to the selected Sector.

Command Buttons


Retrieves the list of students assigned an SHSM Program in the selected sector, based on your selection criteria.


Click Clear to set all selection criteria fields to default values.

The default values section allows you to set the values used when mass updating Certification hours and dates, or the three SHSM requirements for Reach Ahead activities, Ontario Skills passport, or experiential learning activities. You can also update this information for individual students directly in the Search Results section.


Section Controls 

Set Certification Values

Sets defaults for hours and certification-earned date.


This value is used when mass updating the certification hours.

Earned Date

This date is used when mass updating the completion date of the Certification.

Set SHSM Requirements

Sets defaults for the SHSM requirement flags.

Completed "Reach Ahead" Activities

Set this flag as a default value to indicate the students have completed this requirement when mass updating the student information.

Used Ontario Skills Passport

Set this flag as a default value to indicate the students have completed this requirement when mass updating the student information

Experiential Learning/Career Exploration

Set this flag as a default value to indicate the students have completed this requirement when mass updating the student information

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