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Staff Maintenance: Addresses


This bar allows you to maintain selected staff addresses. A staffer may have several addresses on file, such as home and mailing address.
If you don't have enough privileges to access this bar, you won't see it.

Addresses list

  •  This is the list of active addresses defined for the selected staff.
  •  Select the Display Past Addresses checkbox to display end-dated addresses
  •  Click Edit to maintain staff address(es). This brings up the Edit Addresses pop-up.


Use this popup to add, update and/or delete addresses for the selected staff.

Popup Controls

Address Format

Select the format of the staff addresses. Different fields may be displayed to accommodate the selected format.

Address Type 

Select the address type from the picklist. Address Types classify addresses into categories.

Start Date 

Enter or select the date on which this address takes effect. When you add a new address, this field defaults to today's date. However, the Start Date can be set to a future or a past date.

End Date

Enter or select the date on which this address is no longer valid.


Enter the street number (e.g., 104). If there is any alpha indicator (e.g., 104 A), enter it in the Qualifier field next to it. 
For rural addresses, a designated 911 locator code may be entered in this field.


Used to hold alpha characters that may be attached to the street number.


Type the street name and select the street from the list of streets displayed as you type. The streets that appear on this list were previously populated in the Jurisdiction/Streets validation table. If the street is not listed, click Add, to add a new street for the jurisdiction selected.

Note: This function may not be available to your school, depending on how your Security was set up.

Unit Type

Specify the type of unit, if applicable, such as Apartment (Apt) or Suite (Ste). A list of these types is maintained in the Unit Types validation table.

Unit Number

If you selected Unit Type, identify the specific unit as assigned by the building. When the unit identifier is a number, present it in a numeric format (e.g., Apt 2).


In many rural areas, extra address information could include Site, Compartment, Group or Box. These should be included as part of the address. Enter the site number, if applicable.


Enter the compartment number, if applicable. 
This field is only applicable and visible if Rural address format is selected.


Enter the group number, if applicable. 
This field is also only applicable and visible if Rural address format is selected.


Enter the box number, if applicable. This is not to be confused with a P.O. Box, which, if present, is identified in the Delivery Type field. 
This field is only applicable and visible if Rural address format is selected.

Delivery Type

This designator identifies the type of delivery service, which can be selected from the picklist. Examples include General Delivery, Post Office Box and Rural Route. The types available are listed in the Delivery Type validation table.

Delivery No.

If you select a Delivery Type, a number must accompany it (with the exception of General Delivery). For example, if a student lives in Rural Route number 3, "RR 3" will appear on the printed address.

Installation Type 

The Installation Type is an optional element in rural areas with more than one Canada Post installation. The options include Community Mail Center, Post Office and Retail Postal Outlet. The types available are listed in the Installation Type validation table. 
This field, as you would expect, is only applicable and visible if Rural address format is selected.

Installation No 

If you select any Installation Type, it must be accompanied by a number. 
This field is only applicable and visible if Rural address format is selected.


Select the name of the city or town from the picklist. This list is maintained in the Jurisdiction/Streets validation table, where streets are mapped to jurisdictions.


Select the township from the picklist. This is an optional field that appears in both civic and rural addresses. The information entered will not appear on any printed data. This list is maintained in the Townships validation table, but Township does not print on reports.


Select the province from the picklist. The types available are listed in the Province/State validation table.


This field defaults to "Canada."

Postal/Zip Code 

Entering the Postal/Zip Code for the address.

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