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Student Maintenance: Sheltered Students

TWebSchlAdmin 5.40.20 and newer.


Starting with TWebSchAdmin, 5.30.10 and continuing through 5.40.00, Student Maintenance functionality migrated in three phases to TWebSchAdmin from Core Trillium. This article documents how we suggest you use Sheltered Students in 5.40.00 and newer. The goal: Enabling the students to be hidden from the view of other Schools in your Board. While your student continues to appear on search screens, their school information will be masked for people in other schools. Those staff members will see a series of characters. More information on Student Maintenance: Demographics.


Security Tasks


Full NameWhere UsedExisting Core Trillium Task

STUMNT - Demo - Sheltered Display

STUMNT - Demo  - Controls the Sheltered Student Display.

Sheltered Display

STUMNT - Demo - Sheltered ModifySTUMNT - Demo  - Allows users to turn the Sheltered Student checkbox ON and OFFSheltered Modify
STUMNT - Demo - Sheltered EntrySTUMNT - Demo  - Allows users to turn the Sheltered Student checkbox ON onlySheltered Entry

Setting up Sheltered Students 

Our relational database links all address, telephone and contact information of your student and her contacts via their person_id number. Since you don't want to create this student under a new person id, we propose these process and application changes: 

  1. Demit the student from her current school using code Unknown.

  2. Send all relevant student information to the Board office.

  3. Use Add a Student to select the student at her new school. 

  4. On the Personal tab, Select Sheltered Student, (under Special Custody Information)  You'll need a special security task to update this field ... Set Sheltered Students.

  5. We suggest you enter your Board's address and telephone information as the Student's Contact information. Her actual Contact information can be recorded in a Notepad. If you wish to record the actual new Contact information, be aware that any school in which the Student is, or has been, registered will be able to access this information should they change their default school year to match the year the Student attended their school.

  6. Enter the Contact information for the Student, if you deem it appropriate. Each Contact should be created as a new Contact in the database. Select Exclude Person from Find  (see screen shot below) for each of the new Contacts.

How It will Look

You'll know a student is Sheltered by this icon:

When the Sheltered Student flag is selected, that icon appears on the tab or on the window of all single student-related screens:

  • Student Demographics,

  • Contacts,

  • Enrolment,

  • Registration,

  • Program & Classes,

  • Special Education,

  • Second Languages

  • Administrative Attendance,


Student Search 

When another school in your board searches for a student, the Sheltered Student will appear, but their transcript school, school code, and short name will display 'XXXXX.' 
  • A special security task is available which will allows staff to see the actual information: Display Sheltered Students.

  • The Sheltered icon sign displays for any sheltered student, regardless of any security tasks.

  • If you sort the results by School Code, all XXXX schools display together, not in their proper sequence of actual School Code.

Board Student Search 
Edit section

  • The Sheltered Student appears on this window but their transcript school, school code, and short name will display 'XXXXX.'

  • A special security task is available, allowing users to see the actual information: Display Sheltered Students.

  • We display the Sheltered icon for any Sheltered Student, regardless of any security tasks.

  • If you don't have the security tasks to display Sheltered Students, you can't double-click on the row of a Sheltered Student and open that Student's Demographics. 

Find a Contact 
Edit section

    • A Sheltered Student's Contacts should be hidden.
    • We use the Exclude Person from Find field to filter out all persons associated with a Sheltered Student, so Select that when entering these Contacts.


 Several Reports also display the sheltered icon.

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