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Via Platform v.1.3.10


Via Platform 1.3.10 - April 2019


These components and versions are required:

  • Core Trillium v.4.00.00 or newer
  • Via Forms v.3.7.10
  • TWebOLR v.1.72.20
  • Trillium Agent v.2.92.00
  • TwebServices-Auth v.5.41.00

This release also requires Microsoft .NET 4.6.2 or higher. Click here if you don't know how to find your .NET version.


The Via Platform download is available here.

Release Notes

Function Details Client Ticket #JIRA
LoginThe "Forgot your login credentials" form did not confirm that the fields Email, First Name, and Last Name were populated prior to submission. This issue has been resolved and all fields must be populated before form submission.
CouchDB ConfigurationCouchDB configuration settings have been corrected to decrease the amount of disk space used by Online Registration. Modifying the logged information to include errors only and modifying the number of revisions saved, results in a reduction in size of both the log files and the CouchDB database. Instructions are available here.

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