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Via Forms (OnLine Registration) v.3.7.10


Via Online Forms Online Registration 3.7.10 - April 2019


These components and versions are required. This version involves updating various products:

  • Core Trillium v4.00.00
  • VIA Platform v1.3.10
  • TWebOLR v.1.72.20
  • Trillium Agent v.2.92.00
  • TWebServices-Auth v.5.41.00


Download Via Forms 3.7.10 here.

Release Notes

Client Ticket #
OLR SchemaButtons in the French version of the default schema inadvertently included English phrases. This issue has been resolved.
OLR SchemaUsers have no option to clear selections or incorrect choices from the Student's Medical Condition field. This issue has been resolved by adding a Clear button to Student's Medical Condition field group.
Data ValidationLanguage Remark fields containing more than 240 characters cause the migration to fail in TWebOLR. This issue has been resolved by adjusting the max length validation for all remark fields.





OLR SchemaWhen Secondary Contact fields without default values are populated, the data entered becomes hidden upon form submission. This issue has been resolved and all populated fields are properly displayed upon submission.04347599TRILL-7099
CouchDB disk spaceIn an effort to address the high disk space utilization issue, the SubmissionValue design document is updated to remove unused keys generated by this view. This process can take several hours and should be started only when sufficient downtime is available. Please see the instructions on The Community.


Submissions ExportThe Submissions export function within Via Forms is not working when users have more than 5000+ submissions in their database. A standalone utility package has been built to resolve this problem. Please see installation instructions on The Community.


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