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Trillium OnSIS: Update v. 4.06.20


Trillium OnSIS v.4.06.20 - April 2021


This version is compatible with Core Trillium 4.14.10 and higher.

OnSIS Reminder

Do not use Excel to edit, modify or save your CSV files, as it changes the formatting and causes errors during the loading of these files. Use Notepad to edit, modify, or save those files.


Download OnSIS 4.06.20 here

Release Notes

FunctionDescriptionClient ticket #JIRA
SnapshotSome schools encountered a PowerBuilder error message that data had changed since the window was opened and could not be updated. This has been resolved.05487015TRILL-10070
SnapshotStudents entering your school from another board prior to Oct 31 will have their main school flag reported as True.05525577TRILL-10094
Snapshot.Students who departed the school prior to Day 16 of Quad/Octomester 1 now have their enrolment exit date reported in the October Secondary submission.05502969TRILL-10096
SnapshotModifications have been made to ensure that a single subject entry is reported for Math, rather than the information for five strands reported in other years.

Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year the DAYS_ABSENT and TIMES_LATE tags are removed from report card section of the OnSIS Elementary Transmission. The following errors are no longer valid beginning with the 2020-2021 school year:

  • In each available report period Times Late must be >= 0 and <= 140.
  • If submitted, Days Absent must be less than or equal to 90.


The following Elementary achievement errors have been modified:
* 'For the subject Arts or Math each strand should be reported at least once over both reporting periods' no longer applies to Math
* 'For the subject Mathematics each strand must be reported with data or NA flag =’T’' is now inactive.
* 'Marks must be reported for at least 2 strands for each available report period for Subject = Mathematics' is now inactive.

SnapshotSchools no longer receive the error message 'Subject/strand is mandatory' when reporting Mathematics achievement for inactive students.






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