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Student Maintenance: Add New Student

TWebSchAdmin 5.30.10 and newer

In Student Maintenance, Hover over Register Student, then Click Add New Student.

Begin by Searching

Searching helps prevent a Student new to your School from being entered into the system when they are already in your system. Since duplicate entries are not deleted – only made inactive – it's important to verify the Student is, indeed, new to your Board, by performing a search against the entire database. When you Click Add New Student, you arrive at the Student Search Window. Entering two letters of the Student's Surname and Clicking  Find  is enough to initiate the Search -- but the more info you fill into the Search Window, the more refined your Search will be. The less refined your Search is, the more likely your return will be: Too many rows returned, please narrow your search by defining additional criteria.

The screen is very sensitive. A student will not be found if his name is misspelled, or if any incorrect information is entered. If there is a long list of students, the correct student may not be noticed in the scrolling list, especially if his legal name is different from his preferred name. Note: Defining any of the following fields OEN, Student No and Minstry No will improve the chances of locating a student.

The search results will list all the students that match the combination of surname, first initial, gender and birthday, and all students that match the specified student number or the OEN (ministry number).

The results will display up to seven pieces of each matching-Student's information. To see the Student's Registration history, click the "i" button at far right. If you find the Student you want, and they are inactive -- or if your school is ConEd (summer or night), or if your Board allows multiple transfers -- then you can add the Student to your School. Select him/her in the far left Column and Click Select. 

Selecting the Student will bring you to their pre-filled Registration form, which shows you their current information in your database. If the Search didn't provide the correct Student, Click New (above Name) to open a blank Register form.

Registration Details

School BSID

This field defaults to the Default School BSID of the school in which the student is being registered. If it should be a different one, use the picklist menu to select the correct BSID.

Effective Date

Enter or select the Student Registration Date

If multiple registrations are allowed: The Student may be pre-registered at the new Home School if she is already active or pre-registered at another Home School. If multiple registrations are not allowed:

  • A Student who is active in a Home School may only be pre-registered for a future school year;
  • A Student who is pre-registered at one Home School may not be pre-registered at any other Home School.


Select the Track from the picklist.


Select the type of Register from the picklist.


Select the Code from the picklist which best describes where the Student was last Enrolled.


Select the Grade from the picklist.


This field defaults to the Default School BSID in which the Student is being registered. If it is a different one, use the picklist menu to select the correct BSID. 


This field will be enabled only if the Entry Code you chose requires a Province to be specified.


This field will be enabled only if the Entry Code you chose requires a Country to be specified.

Student No. 

  • 1. If a Student is transferring from another School within the same Board, their previous Student Number will automatically appear.
  • 2. If this is a New Student, click on the icon to automatically generate a unique Student Number.
  • 3. You may also type in a Student Number. 


You may enter the Student’s Ontario Education Number in this field. This field is controlled by Security. You must be assigned the proper Security Tasks to be able to enter/modify this field.


This field identifies the School Year the Student enters Grade 9, e.g. 2014-2015. If the Student’s Grade is 9 or up, this field is visible and mandatory for secondary day schools. Either select from the list or type the School Year in the proper format.

First Entered Ontario Schools after Grade 09

If the Student’s Grade is 10 or up, this field is visible and mandatory for secondary day schools. The Student must be new to your Board; they cannot be inactive at another school.


If the Student’s Grade is 9 or up, this field is visible and mandatory. It defaults to the School Preference value.


From the picklist, Select the type of Program into which the Student is enrolling. A school must have a minimum of two Programs defined.

International Language

If you selected  a program identified as an International Language Program, this field will become visible. Select the applicable language from this picklist.

Second Language

A picklist with the values Core Program, Exempted, Extended Program, and Immersion Program. Select the Second Language the Student is involved in, or if the Student is exempt from taking any FSL program, choose Exempted. This will allow you to distinguish between Students who have not been assigned an FSL program, and those who do not require an FSL program


Enter the number of minutes of French instruction (Core, Extended or Immersion) per day. The default value is the value set up in the School Academic Preferences. If another value has been entered in the Second Language field or in the First MOI field, Core Program must be within the range of 20 to 59 minutes; an Extended Program must be within the range of 60 to 149 minutes and an Immersion Program must be within the range of 150 to 300 minutes. A warning message will be display if you enter minutes outside of those parameters. This field is only valid for Elementary schools. It will display only after the FSL Program field has been populated.

Second MOI

This field is only displayed for French Boards. The default value is the value set up in the School Academic Preferences. This field is only applicable for combined program, it will be visible or invisible based on the Second Language selection. This field is not required for Secondary students.

Previous School BSID

This field is enabled if the Student was previously enrolled in an Ontario School. If you don’t know the previous school’s BSID, click on the icon to the right of this field. This will open the Find School pop-up. Use this pop-up to find and select the Student’s previous School, then Click OK. The BSID field will be filled in automatically.

Previous School Name

This is a display-only window where the name of the previous School will appear. It is generated by entering a valid BSID.

Language of Instruction

This field becomes enabled only if you select a Code which infers that the Student is from an outside board / province / country. English and French are the two options available.


Pupil of the Board

Select this radio button if the Student is funded through your Board. This is the default.

Other Pupil of the Board

Select this radio button if the Student is funded from another source, e.g. Government of Canada.



Select the source of funding for the Student, e.g. Government of Canada. This field is available for Students who are defined as Other Pupil of the Board.

Payer Type

Options in this box change, depending on the selections above.


This field is available if Payer Type is not Property Taxes.

Funding Details

The Valid Entries for Pupils of the Board

Property Taxes  

This is the most common for Pupils of the Board


This is less common but occurs when land owned by an individual is tax exempt and the land owner is charged a fee by the Ministry for the student to attend school. This is not Native.

Government of Ontario  

Students who are charges of the Government (e.g. Children’s Aid).

Funding DetailsThe valid entries for Other Pupils of the Board


Native Students under tuition agreement with a Native Education Authority.

Government of Canada  

Tuition is paid by the Government of Canada

Sources outside Ontario – Temporary Residents 

Formerly Student Visa. Can be paid by an organization or a person.

Sources outside Ontario – Other Students 

A Student who, in most cases, lives just across one of Ontario's borders and attends School here. Can be paid by an organization or a person.

Modify as necessary. At lower right, Click Register.  The system performs validations and produces error messages if warranted. If the Registration is accepted, the pop-up closes and you are free to find another Student. If you prefer to update additional information for the Student you just added, Hover oveMaintain StudentClick Demographics. Your Student will pop in. 

 If no match is found, a New Student can be added. Refer to the chart above and don't forget: Click Register

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