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Student Maintenance: Register Shared Students

TWebSchAdmin 5.40.10 and newer


In TWebSchAdmin 5.40.10 and newer, Register Shared Students is used to register students shared with your school from another school within your Board. This page is not applicable to Continuing Education schools.


  • This feature requires the "All Students" flag to be set ON and it adheres to the "Update Flag" setting for the particular user's role when determining if the functionality action buttons are visible.
  • If you are assigned proper tasks but have the All Students flag set OFF, then regardless of the update flag settings, you will have Read-Only access to the page.
  • There are also board preferences which control access to some pieces of information used while registering a student.
  • Access to this tab is controlled by these Security Tasks: 
Full NameWhere Used
STUMNT- Transfer Student menuSTUMNT - Controls access to Transfer Student menu option
STUMNT - RegStu- Transfer/Register Students STUMNT - Controls access to Register Transferred Students, Register Shared Students,Transfer within School Board, Send Students to ConEd, and Share within School Board

Go here: Student Maintenance >  Register Student > Register Shared Students

A message displays on the top of the page with the total number of students who were shared and not yet registered to your school. Click the information icon, 

 to open a pop-up with the number of shared and not-registered students grouped by year of share. Also, there is a checkbox indicating the students who are expired.

The time framfor you to register shared student is the Start and End Date of the Semester/Term in which the student is shared.

  • For example: School A shares student within Semester 1 /Term 2, with the share beginning Dec. 5 ( Semester1/Term 2 runs from Nov 10, 2016 - Feb 03, 2017); School B has from Dec 5, 2016 until Feb 03, 2017 to register the Student. After Feb 03, 2017, student is expired.

  • You can see the Expiry date when you Click Find  in Student Search, Register Shared Students.

You're able to remove the expired students by Clicking Undo Share. This cancels the Transfer process when the student is transferred, not yet registered; and didn't show up in the school and will not show up. Use this if your school does not want to see that student on the transferred list.

What does expired mean? 

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Expired means: 

  • When schools share students with other schools they share them within a specific Semester/Term. If the Student is not registered within the Start and End Date of the Semester/Term, the share record becomes expired and the shared school will not be able share the student. 
  • Or, expired simply means that specific Semester/Term have passed, as with the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 shares here:

Register For ... Which Time Frame? 

  • Select the School Year in which you will register the student. The field defaults to the current School Year.

  • In Effective Date, enter/select the first day of School for the student(s) being registered. This field defaults to today’s date if you are sitting in the current school year. If today’s date is not a valid school day, it defaults to blank. For other School Years, it will default to the first day of that School Year.

  • Select the Track in which the student(s) will register.

Register Default Values

This section is used to set some default values that could be applied to the selected students.

  • Select the Entry Type from the picklist which best describes where the student was last enrolled.

  • Select the student’s Grade from the picklist.

  • Select the Program in which the student will be enrolled.

  • The list of Programs displayed is based on the selected Grade and Effective Date. It will be empty if the Grade is not selected yet and will be based on today’s date if the Effective Date is not specified.

 Student Search 

The fields in this section are used to filter the list of searched students.
  • Select the School BSID to limit the student list to only the students that were shared to the selected BSID. This field will default to your school-defined default value .
  • Select a Previous School to limit the student list to only the students transferred from that school.
  • Select a Language of Instruction to limit the student list to only students who have the selected language as their previous language of instruction.
  • The Student Name field is used to find one student in particular. Start typing the student's name, and a list of shared, not-yet registered students to your school for the selected BSID will be displayed. Define previous school and language of instruction if you would like to refine the list of students displayed in this field. This list may include expired students who were shared and were never registered before the expiration date.
  • Select Shared to find students who were shared but not yet registered. This may include students with expired share records from previous years.This option is selected by default.
  • Select Shared and Registered to find students that were shared and registered in your school in the year defined in the Register For section.
  • Click Find to retrieve the shared students based on your defined search criteria.

Search Results

This section displays the list of students meeting your search criteria. You will be able to register, unregister, undo, and share the selected students

  • A checkbox allows you to select/deselect all rows on the current page or on all pages.
  • Student Name/Student Number displays the student's preferred name and number. Click this icon 
      to see the student's gender and birth date.
  • Previous School/Shared Date displays student’s previous School and the date that student was Shared.
  • The Expiry Date is the day after the date the student cannot be registered. Usually it is the last day of the Semester. This field is only visible when the Shared option is selected.
  • Register identifies the type of Register used for registering the student. You cannot modify this. Part-time is the only option available when sharing a student.
  • Grade identifies the student’s Grade. You can modify this.
  • Track identifies the Track used for registering the student. You can modify this.
  • Program identifies the Program used for registering the student. You can modify this.
  • Entry Type identifies the type of entry required for registering the student. You can modify this.
  • Click Apply Values to Selected to apply the default values to the selected students.
  • Click Register to register the selected students in your school.
  • Click Unregister to unregister the selected students. This button is only applicable when Shared and Registered is selected.
  • If the shared student(s) did not show up, or the share was cancelled, click Undo Share to undo sharing the selected students.This button is only available for Shared and not registered students.
  • When enabled, click Errors to display and print the errors which occurred during the registration process. 
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