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Secondary Achievement Setup: Year Setup


In Secondary Achievement Setup, the first tab card defaults to Build Secondary Achievement. You've clicked on the picklist there and then chosen Year Setup. This page defaults to Term to Report Period Mapping, which is used by school administrators to associate their school's Report Periods with Tracks, Semesters, Terms and the Ministry's Report Periods. The bottom accordion bar, Course/Section to Report Period Mapping, associates Course sections with Report Periods based on the Start and End dates of the corresponding Terms. Therefore, students scheduled into the Classes will need achievement records generated for only the Report Periods that are valid for the Course from the student Class Start Date to End Date.

Term to Report Period Mapping

Initial State

This bar opens by default showing the existing mapping (if any exists) for Report Periods.
All control buttons are visible and enabled, assuming the user has the update flag 'On', otherwise all buttons should be invisible.

Page Controls


Radio button used to select the current row for deletion.


When Report Period Term Data is an existing record - the field is read-only.
When adding a new record, the field is mandatory and the picklist shows a list of Tracks defined for the school and year. There is no default value.


When Report Period Term Data is an existing record - the field is read-only.
When adding a new record, the field is mandatory and the picklist shows a list of Semesters defined for the selected Track. List content is dependent on the Track selection. There is no default value.


When Report Period Term Data is an existing record - the field is read-only.
When adding a new record, the field is mandatory and the picklist shows a list of Terms defined for the selected selection. The list content is dependent on the selected selection. There is no default value.

Report Period

When Report Period Term Data is an existing record - the field is read-only.
When adding a new record, the field is mandatory and the picklist shows a list of Report Periods defined for the selected school and year. The list will be pre-populated with the values defined on the Report Periods page, excluding the system 'F', 'CF', 'CI' Report Periods. There is no default value.

Ministry RP

  •  Picklist shows a list of Ministry Report Periods defined for the selected school and year. The list is pre-populated with the values provided by the Ministry and stored in your database.
  •  Blank is the first option in the list. There is no default value. The field is disabled when the Lock flag is checked.

Mark Type

 This is a mandatory field containing a picklist of Mark indicator types defined for the selected school. The list will be pre-populated with the available active values. The default value is hard coded to 'Num'. This is the standard indicator type used internally by Trillium. The field is disabled when the Lock flag is checked.

Lock All

This field is a checkbox, deselected by default, used to lock/unlock the current row. You can select single, multiple or all rows.

Command Buttons


Clicking Save performs the following validation:
All mandatory fields cannot be blank or null. The system displays a message under each missing field.

  •  The following combination of data must be unique: Track, Semester, Term and Report Period. If a duplicate is encountered, a message is displayed in the designated area.
  •  On successful or unsuccessful save a message is displayed in the designated area.
    Validation under Ministry RP field: The same Report Period is mapped to different Ministry Report Periods.


 Clicking Add inserts a new row on the top of the list.

The fields that have their default values defined are pre-populated: Mark Type.


Clicking Delete performs the following validation:
When there are no rows in the grid (initial state). the delete button is disabled.
When a row has not been selected. the system raises an error message.
The Lock flag is set for the selected row and the system raises an error message. 

  • If records were generated for the selected period, a confirmation message is displayed. User's "No" cancels delete operation.
  • Even though the message suggests that any subsequent re-initialization of the section/report will cause student achievement records to be deleted, this will not happen until the Achievement records were Re-generated. Re-generation however will not remove achievement records with Marks or Comments.
    The selected record is deleted.
    1.  On successful or unsuccessful save, a message displays in the designated area.


When you click Generate, the system checks:

  1.  If Term to Report Period Mapping has unsaved data - the system displays a message and halts generation.
  2.  If no terms have been mapped to any Report Period, the system will exit the generate process without any messages.
  3. Whether records have the Ministry RP field blank. If yes, we display a message.
  4.  If you decide not to proceed, then the system will cancel the generate process, otherwise continues as follows: 
    1.  Checks if any records exist in the Course Section to Report Period Mapping section.
    • If yes - the system will display a message. If you choose to continue with full generation, we perform Steps 1-7.
    • If you choose to continue with new Section/Report Period generation only - we perform Steps 2-7.
    • If you choose not to continue with generation - we halt generation.

The Generate process does this:

 1. Removes the dependent records that might have been affected by the year setup changes.

 2. Resets the Final Report Period flag to all records that are allowed for update (not locked) and updates the Mark type for scanning.

 3. Creates new Section-to-Report Period associations based on the class meetings

 4. Adds "F" Report Period as Final for credit-recovery courses

 5. Marks the last Report Period for each Course as final

 6. Updates Mark Type for each Term/Report Period

 7. The generate process will only affect the Courses that should be included in Achievement and only the records that were not locked.

 8. When the generate process successfully completes, the page reloads. The successful completion message displays.

In case of re-generated (existing records in the Course Section to Report Period Mapping) the system also shows the "Student Achievement records must be re-generated." message.
If any errors occurred during the process, the error displays beside the control buttons.

Changes from original design

  1.  In Core Trillium the default value for Mark types was calculated from a school Preferences value. However, school Preference is not required anymore, as Trillium is Ontario specific and therefore Num will be always the default value.
  2.  Calculated Final Mark checkbox and weighting factor have been removed from the bottom section

 Course Section to Report Period Mapping

 Used by the school administrators to assign school Courses to Report Periods.

Initial State

  •  This accordion bar is closed and you must click on it to open. This bar is not opened unless the changes made to the top bar are saved first or you discard changes.
  •  No rows in grid – Add button is available, Save and Delete buttons are disabled, Lock All button is not available.
  •  The information of the section should be retrieved. 
  •  If the number of rows returned is greater than 300, an error message displays, explaining too many rows are retrieved and you need to use the filter to narrow down the rows.
    •  The grid should be sorted by Course/Section ASC, Report Period ASC.  
    •  You should not be able to sort the grid using the column headers. 

 Page Controls

Filter by:

Course Type 

  • A single-selection picklist that is blank by default.
  •  Once you select a Course Type, the rows are retrieved based on the Type selected and the Course Code criteria entered. If the returning rows are more than 300, our system displays the first 300 rows and an error message

Course Code 

  •  You can type in letters from the Course Code and the list is filtered as you type, with Courses defined for the school and year. The field is blank by default.
  •  When you press Enter, or once a Course is selected from the list of Courses, the rows are retrieved based on the Type selected and the Course Code criteria entered. If the returning rows are more than 300, the system will display the first 300 rows and an error message

Course/Section Grid


Radio button used to select the current row for deletion.


This field is populated with the generated values.

Report Period

This field is populated with the generated values.

Ministry RP

This is a mandatory field. The picklist shows a list of Ministry Report Periods defined for the selected school and year. The list will be pre-populated. A Blank option is added on the top of the list. The field is disabled when the Lock flag is checked. 

Mark Type

This is a mandatory field. This picklist shows a list of Mark indicator types defined for the selected school. The default value is NUM. The field is disabled when the Lock flag is checked. 


A checkbox with a default value of deselected. For the same Course Section only one Final flag can be selected. 

Lock (Select Deselect All)

This checkbox in the header locks/unlocks all records displayed on the screen.


This checkbox in an individual row locks/unlocks all displayed records for that same Course/Section. Single, multiple or all rows can be selected. When a record is locked, all fields are disabled and you cannot delete the record.

 Command Buttons           


When you click Save, these validations are performed:

  1.  Missing mandatory fields: Course/Section, Report Periods, Ministry Report Period, and Mark Type. Our system displays a message under each of the missing fields;
  2.  The following combination of data columns must be unique: Course/Section and Report Period. If duplicates are encountered, we displaya message in the designated area;  
  3.  Builds a map of Report Period Data with list of Course/ Section Data that were changed. The list of Course/Section Data would include the Course/Sections for which new Report Periods were added, or any of the Course/Sections attributes were modified.


Our system rolls open Add Section, allowing you to select the Course/Section from the available list and define which Report Periods to add. You should then either use Apply to add the Course/Section to the selected Report Periods or use Cancel to cancel the add process and return to the section, retaining its previous state.


Clicking the button performs these validations: 

  1.  No rows in grid, button disabled
  2.  No row selected, system displays an error message
  3.  Displays a confirmation message
  4.  If the Report Period is Final,our system displays this error: "The course [] cannot be deleted as it is a Final Report Period."
  5.  If records were generated, our system displays this error: "Achievement exists for the Final Report Period. Record cannot be deleted."
  6.  If records were generated for the selected – not Final – period, a confirmation message displays.  Click No to cancel the delete operation. 

    Note: Even though the message suggests that any subsequent re-initialization of the Section/Report will cause student Achievement records to be deleted, this will not happen until the Achievement records are Re-generated. Re-generation, however, will not remove achievement records with Marks or Comments.
  •  Verifies whether a scan sheet has already been produced for the Course Section and Report Period to be deleted. If yes - we display a message. If you decide to cancel then, the delete process terminates and deletes the selected record permanently from the database
  •  On successful, or unsuccessful, save a message is displayed in the designated area. 

Lock/Unlock All

  1.  A split button. When you click this, if data in the Section is not saved, an error message is displayed and the action ends.
  2.  Or: A confirmation message is displayed.
  3.  When confirmed, the lock flag for all records is set "On."
  4.  If you click Unlock All, the lock flag is set "Off" for all records.

 Note: All records in the database are updated, not just the (up to) 300 rows displayed.

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