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TWebSchAdmin Update 5.44.30


TWebSchAdmin v.5.44.30  April 2022

The server must be running TWebSchAdmin v.5.44.20 before updating to this version.

TWebSchAdmin 5.44.30 is compatible with:

  • Core Trillium v.4.15.20 or higher
  • Landing page v.5.40.60 or higher
  • CAS Central Authorization System v.2.10.00
  • Trillium Reports 5.45.20 or higher

When upgrading to this version, clients must also upgrade at the same time to Core Trillium 4.15.20, TwebSchool 5.45.00, and TrilliumReports 5.45.20 or higher. 

This limitation is a result of the new online learning fields that are required for the report cards, transcripts and compulsory credit calculation.

Note the previously released TrillRpts 5.45.00 required clients to also upgrade to TwebEA 5.44.30.  If you are upgrading your TrillRpts to 5.45.00 or higher, also plan on upgrading your version of TwebEA.


TWebSchAdmin 5.44.20 download is here.

Release Notes

FunctionDetailsClient Ticket #JIRA

Secondary Admin Setup

The Award/Credit page now includes a new field 'Online Credit Requirement' to capture the student's status for the online learning diploma requirement.  This field can also be used to indicate that the student is opting out of this requirement for their OSSD 1999 diploma.    Please refer to the PowerSchool Community article and its attached document posted at Trillium and Online Learning Diploma Requirements for additional details on the online learning changes.

Secondary Admin SetupThe Compulsory Credit Calculation now determines a student's status for the online learning diploma requirement when processing OSSD 1999 diplomas.  Please refer to the PowerSchool Community article and its attached document posted at Trillium and Online Learning Diploma Requirements for additional details on the online learning changes.

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