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Ontario Reporting: Update v.4.04.00


Trillium Ontario Reporting v.4.04.00 - September 2020


Windows 7 is no longer supported by Trillium or Microsoft,  and patches or security updates are no longer offered for this operating system.  Without security updates, PowerBuilder applications running on Windows 7 are at risk of security vulnerabilities.  We strongly recommend upgrading to a newer version of the operating system.


This version is compatible with Core Trillium 4.13.00.


Download Trillium Ontario Reporting v. 4.04.00 here.

Release Notes

Client Ticket #
Key Indicator ReportsThe Key Indicator 4 report (Workplace Prep Courses) has been modified to include an additional column to count students with a gender value of N or S.  This additional information is now available in both the summary and detail versions of the report.
Key Indicator ReportsThe Key Indicator 2 "Pass Rate in Compulsory Courses" has been modified to include an additional column to count students with a gender value of N or S.  This additional information is now available in the student verification version of the report.
OCAS/OUACBeginning with this school year, OUAC has requested that schools submit a second version of the first transmission file in November to report mid-term marks for students.  Modifications have been made to the OCAS/OUAC extract window to facilitate this new request.
OCAS/OUACThe OCAS/OUAC transmission files will now report the new gender values of N or S.

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