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Synrevoice: Update v.1.20.00


Synrevoice 1.20.00 September, 2017


This release contains fixes and new features for Synrevoice-Trillium interface designed for data exchanges between Trillium database and Synrevoice system. Synrevoice 1.20.00 is compatible with Core Trillium 3.16.00 and higher.

Release Notes

AreaFunctionDetailsClient Ticket #
CASL ImportEmail addresses and CASLThe FS_INTERFACE_SYNV_ADDR_STUD table now contains up to two students' email addresses with corresponding CASL flags. REFRESH_SNV_STUD_CNTC procedure has been modified to process students' CASL and addresses data. 130138
Student AttendanceParent Notification InterfaceThe previous version of our product did not calculate properly the second-priority Contact Phone Number, if this phone number had an extension. We fixed that, so both phone numbers (first and second priority) are calculating correctly.124350
Student AttendanceParent Notification InterfaceOur previous version also did not calculate Attendance accurately for the last school day of the school year, if that last day was an Attendance-taking Date. We also fixed that.132249

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