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TWebBoard: Update v.5.42.00


  TWebBoard 5.42.00 - March 2019


  • TWebBoard v.5.42.00 is compatible with Core Trillium v.4.00.00 and newer. 

  • You must be running Java 8.

  • You must have executed all database scripts up to, and including, v.5.41.00 before updating to this version.  

  • This release includes the following products:


TWebBoard 5.42.00 Download is here

Release Notes

FunctionDetailsClient Ticket #


Board GroupsAn issue has been resolved where the drop down for Student Status was not populating when using the "Student Common Information" criteria type. The drop down is now populated as expected. 03585696TRILL-6086
GeneralThe names of all Indexes have been reduced to less than 30 characters to accommodate an Oracle name limitation.03758280TRILL-5397
TwebIS / BusPlanner IntegrationAs many students no longer have a landline home phone, there is a need to report other phone types such as 'Cell' for them. An enhancement has been made to extract the phone number with the highest priority when a student does not have a home phone number specified. Phone numbers that are reported will continue to be sent with a type of 'Home'.03713277TRILL-5136
Generic Letter Writer

When the new genders “Neither M/F’ and ‘Undisclosed’ are enabled, their corresponding pronouns (he, she, their) will be populated as of the mail merge fields in the Generic Letter Writer's MSWord template but do not display automatically. In order for the new pronouns to display, all pronoun fields in the letter templates must be upgraded.

To upgrade the letter templates:

  1. Download the template from Template Builder > General Info
  2. Delete and reinsert the pronoun fields
  3. Upload the saved template

Note: This upgrade must be performed after the new genders are enabled, upgrading the templates before the new genders are activated WILL NOT update the pronouns.


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