Here is the process parents use to create and access OnLine Registration (OLR), aka Via Forms. Most often, Districts will create a hyperlink on the School and/or District website which auto-launches the OLR site. For first-time access, Parents will need to create an account. Subsequent access requires the Parent to log-in with their account information and password.
Creating a Parent account
Follow the link to OLR. Click Sign In at the far right end of the blue horizontal bar across the top of the page.
Under Don't have an Account? heading:
Click Parents/Guardians.
Click I'd like to enroll a child with the school district for the first time.
Click Create An Account.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Password. This password will be required each time the Parent accesses the registration form
Click Create
A confirmation email will be sent to the address entered. Confirm the account by clicking the link in the email you receive.
Access to OnLine Registration Forms
Access OLR by using the link provided in the confirmation email. This will take you to the main login page. Enter the Username and Password. Click Log On.
The parent will be taken to the landing page with the menu item: Student. Under the Student menu is Online Forms. Click Online Form.
The Registration form will auto-save and the parent can return at any time to complete the registration.
Forgot Password?
If you forget your password, have it reset by using the I can't remember my credentials link on the sign-in page.
Click the link and enter the information.
An email will be sent to your address, with a reset password.
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