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TWebEA Update

TWebEA   January 2018 


 This version is compatible with Core Trillium 3.16.00 and higher

You must have installed TWebEA 5.40.20 prior to installing this update.

 This release contains a correction to the row count control for Learning Skills. 

Supported Browsers 

Our compatibility matrix document has more details.


Advice on Comment Row Count Feature 

To take full advantage of the comment row count feature, use only carriage returns when you want to create a new paragraph in your comment.  

Release Notes

AreaFonctionDetailsClient Tickets

Elementary Achievement

Learning Skills

The data entry window for Learning Skills for the Grade 1 to 8 students no longer displayed the available and used row count for the comments.  As a result, the teacher could enter comments that exceeded the space available on the report cards. This has been corrected. Schools should verify that any learning skills comments already entered do not truncate when printing report cards.

139066, 139103,  139134, 139146, 139116

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