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TrilliumReports: Update v.5.41.00


TrilliumReports v.5.41.00 -  September, 2018.


Compatible with  Core Trillium 4.00.00  and higher.
You must have executed all database scripts up to, and including, v.5.40.50 before updating to this version.  


 TrilliumReports v.5.41.00 download is here

Release Notes

FunctionDetailsClient Ticket #



GeneralTrillium Reports have been upgraded to JasperSoft version 6.4
Achievement Validation ReportThe "Native Language" subject is no longer identified as a missing mandatory subject on the Achievement Validation Report.035845824035
Attendance/Achievement ReportA new security task (Attendance/Achievement Report) now controls access to the Attendance/Achievement Report.

Credit Counselling SummaryThe Compulsory Credit value for Qxx and PLE courses will now be displayed on the report.
Credit Counselling SummaryThe Credit Counselling Summary has had the fields in the current marks section adjusted so the Final Mark column can print on the same line, as long as there is room available.
Daily Attendance Record

The report will now display only student contacts that have been flagged as Guardians. The first two Guardians, based alphabetically by name, will be displayed.

Honour RollWhen using the option to include students' Achievement from their shared school, the Honour Roll will now include the student and Courses only if the student has Achievement in the current school for the same Report Period. This will alleviate the issue of transferred students having Course Achievement from their previous school included in the current school's calculations.  035862404341
KG Report Card When a class had multiple ECE teachers defined, and one of the staff had multiple staff types assigned, the second ECE teacher was not always printed on the Report Card.  We've corrected that.
KG Report Card Students who change grade levels in the middle of a Report Period will no longer generate multiple copies of the KG Report Card.
KG Report Card The new KG templates provided by the Ministry now provide two lines for the entry of the homeroom teacher(s) name(s).
KG Report Card All versions of the Kindergarten Initial Observations and Communication of Learning Report Cards have been updated to match the Ministry's latest version of the standard templates.  The changes include:
  • rearrangement of fields in the student header on the first page of the Report Card
  • room for the name of two Homeroom teachers
  • minor text changes on pages 2 and 3 of the report cards
  • identification of the student's FSL program

The student's FSL program will be based on the FSL program the student is enrolled in on the last day of the Report Period for active students, or the student's departure date for inactive students.  Any students identified as participating in the Intensive Core French program will have the Core French checkbox checked on the Report Card.

The size of the comment boxes remains unchanged with this new template version.  

Long/Short Index CardsThe student's address printed on the Long and Short Index cards will now include the street type.
Selective Marks Report

Student names will now wrap to an additional line on the report, which avoids truncation of the student's name.

Selective Marks ReportSome students were appearing multiple times on the report.  We've fixed that.
TranscriptsThe description for the Ontario Student Transcript has been changed to:

"The Ontario Student Transcript is the official transcript of the student when printed on blank official transcript paper. When printed on plain paper, this is considered to be the working version."


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