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Core Trillium: Setting Font Size on KG Report Cards


You can give your teachers the opportunity to increase the type size of their comments on KG Report Cards beyond the default of 9 point, if you install both TWebEA 5.40.20 or higher; and Trillium Reports 5.40.40 or higher. Of course, the larger the type, the fewer characters fit into a given space, so:

  • Teachers will have fewer rows available in each Comment box (see chart below);
  • The number of characters per row will be reduced.
  • If you do go with 10 pt. or higher after teachers entered Comments in an earlier version of TWebEA, you'll need to review the Report Cards. Otherwise long comments will be truncated when printed at the larger size. 

We recommend setting your font size at the beginning of a reporting cycle and leaving it alone, for basically the same reason as above; if the type size is increased later during the reporting cycle, comments previously entered may be truncated when printed at the larger size. If you do make your print larger during the reporting cycle, be sure to review your Report Cards.


Start in Core Trillium 

Begin in Core Trillium 4.00.00 or higher. On the Board Achievement Preferences tab, you'll see the default type size is 9 pt. Use the picklist if you want 10, 11 12 pt.; or if you're above 9 and wish to go back down to 9. 

There's Also An Override#

When teachers enter comments for the Kindergarten Report Card on the Student Comment or Report Card pages, the new font size is used. When an operator uses the Print or Print Class choice to print Report Cards, the font size information is sent to Trillium Reports. (Typically, this value will be taken from the Board Achievement Preference for Comment Font Size.) Since the Board preference setting for comment size may be changed from one year or Report Period to another, there is also a need for an override feature. A privileged user -- one who has the security task Override KG Comment Font Size assigned to their profile -- will be able to request the Report Card be printed using a different font size. These users will see the Override Font Size checkbox to the right of the Draft checkbox on the Report Card Page. When you select Override Font Size, another prompt, Use Font, will appear to the right. You'll see the value set to the Board Preference Comment font size. You may select a different font size for use on individual or class Report Cards. It will be YOUR responsibility to ensure the font size used does not cause any comments to be truncated on the printed Report Card. Just so you know: If you clear the Override Font Size checkbox, the Use Font prompt becomes invisible, and we use your Board Preference Comment font size.


Font Size and Rows

Report CardLanguageComment

#of 9 pt. rows

#of 10 pt. rows

#of 11 pt. rows#of 12 pt. rows

Initial Observations Public


Frame comment





Initial Observations Catholic


Religious comment





Initial Observations Catholic


Frame comment





Communication of Learning


Frame comment





Communication of Learning


Religious comment





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