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Admin Attendance: Calendar Profile

This is the fourth menu option in the Admin Attendance module. The Calendar Profile page displays Attendance data for a selected student for a selected month during the school year you select.

  • Clicking the Previous Page icon (left arrow) displays the previous month. If the current month is the first month of the school year the previous page icon will be disabled.
  • Clicking the Next Page icon (right arrow) displays the next month.
  • Clicking Today jumps you to to the calendar square for today.

If the Show Transferred checkbox is clicked, the Calendar displays historical data for the students transferred in the current year from another school in your board.

 Entries from the Individual Attendance section display on the Calendar on the applicable date. The entries will appear in Period Start-Time order for the day they were entered; Period 1,   2, 3, etc. They are color coded:

  •  All values in the column Assigned Reasons on the Reason by Attendance validation table for the Attendance Code of Absent will be displayed in a red box with white lettering.
  •  All values in the column Assigned Reasons on the Reason by Attendance validation table for the Attendance Code of Late will be displayed in a gold box with white lettering.
  •  All values in the column Assigned Reasons on the Reason by Attendance validation table for the Attendance Code of G Day will be displayed in a blue box with white lettering.
  •  All values in the column Assigned Reasons on the Reason by Attendance validation table for the Attendance Code of Excused will be displayed in a green box with white lettering.
  •  All values in the column Assigned Reasons on the Reason by Attendance validation table for the Attendance Code of N Day will be displayed in a purple box with white lettering.

If the current date has a Counsellor Contact record, the date square for the Day of Contact will display a *C* in the upper-right corner.

When you click a Calendar square containing Attendance info, the Daily Details Pop-up appears.

Daily Details Popup

The view-only Daily Details popup emerges when you click a Calendar square. It contains these elements:

Columns for Period, Report As, Reason, From (start time), To (end time), Class, and Comment  for the selected date.
Attendance Counsellor Contacted Student label and check-box appear only if the student was contacted on the current date. 

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