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Trillium OnSIS: Update v. 4.04.10


Trillium OnSIS v.4.04.10 - February 2020


This version is compatible with Core Trillium 4.12.00 and higher.

OnSIS Reminder

Do not use Excel to edit, modify or save your CSV files, as it changes the formatting and causes errors during the loading of these files. Use Notepad to edit, modify, or save those files.


Download OnSIS 4.04.10 here

Release Notes

FunctionDescriptionClient ticket #JIRA
OnSIS SnapshotThe Private Secondary submissions no longer attempt to report an Update action tag for the class segment section, avoiding a critical error when uploading the submission file.


OnSIS SnapshotFor students who are enrolled in an Extended French program for the full school year and take the French courses in semester one, OnSIS will now continue to report the student's second language program in semester two.04487053TRILL-8467
OnSIS SnapshotModifications to the Other Course Info reported in the October submission will now be reported to OnSIS as updated information.
OnSIS Snapshot

The error 'If Board Residence Status = Study Permit/Temp Resident, then Status in Canada can't be status other than Visa Student, Other Visa, none of the above or Refugee' is no longer an appropriate validation and has been closed.

OnSIS SnapshotWhen calculating the course offering value for Literacy and Numeracy courses, students attending a day school were not identified as such. This resulted in the incorrect course offering being reported (e.g. values of 17 and 20 were reported, instead of 13 and 14 respectively).  This has been corrected.



OnSIS SnapshotIn preparation for the recording of new gender values, a new onsis_gender column has been added to the persons table.  As part of the script to activate new gender values (which is not yet available), this column will be populated with the student's current gender data (M or F) at the time the script is run. Any OnSIS submissions prior to June 2020 cannot accept the new gender values, so the OnSIS snapshot will use the onsis_gender value whenever a new gender value is encountered. 

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