Credit Recovery and Allow Early Completion Courses
This document outlines two methods of creating and using Credit Recovery courses and the Allow Early Completion flag in Trillium.
Use Placeholder Courses, similar to the Placeholder Courses many schools use for Co-op Courses.
Packages can be used to accommodate Credit Recovery Courses.
In both methods, selecting the Allow Early Completion checkbox on the Courses tab for the Credit Recovery Courses ensures Trillium correctly handles the courses.
This method is based on a process currently used by several boards to handle their co-op education courses.
Important Note: Any placeholder course must be replaced by the actual course code prior to being reported for the first (Oct. 31) OnSIS submission
Step 1: Placeholder Course Setup
The school or board should select a unique sixth character of the Course Code to be used with the various courses delivered as Credit Recovery Courses (e.g. ENG1DR). In this document, we will use R. This sixth character will give you an easy method to identify the Credit Recovery courses from the regular courses.
Create the placeholder or "dummy" Credit Recovery courses that will be offered at the school (e.g. RCR1OR, RCR2OR, etc., or use a naming convention relevant to the school). A school might also choose to use the sixth character to identify the number of Credit Recovery courses being taken by the student (e.g. RCR1O1, RCR1O2) to allow a student to be scheduled into more than one Credit Recovery class.
In Scheduling > Courses:
Click the green "plus" sign in the toolbar to begin your new Course;
Clear the Transcript/Credit Course checkbox, at far right;
Clear the Achievement checkbox, at lower left;
Select Credit Recovery from the Course Type drop-down list;
Select the Placeholder Course checkbox;
Select the appropriate choice in the OnSIS Placeholder Code drop-down list.
Placeholder courses that can be added to a student's course requests for next year must be linked to the Ministry's OnSIS Placeholder Code. For the Credit Recovery scenario, because there is one Ministry code per grade level, you'll need to create Credit Recovery placeholders for each grade level (e.g. RCR1OR, RCR2OR, etc).
The use of the Placeholder Course and OnSIS Placeholder Code fields is required for any placeholder course that's to be included in submission of next year's Course Requests to OnSIS (Credit Recovery, co-op, SALEP, etc.) and can only be used when the Transcript/Credit Course checkbox is cleared. These new fields will not impact the Courses during the scheduling process or in any other areas of Trillium. Trillium, and you, will continue to see and use the Course Code from the Courses screen.
Step 2: Builder and Classes Setup
Once the placeholder Courses have been created, follow these steps to create Sections for the Credit Recovery Courses:
On the Builder page, create the required number of sections for each Credit Recovery course (e.g. RCR1OR-01).
Click Save.
On the Classes page, assign track, semester, block, teacher, and room information. Ensure the class code begins with RCR.
Assign appropriate students to the RCR1OR course, via scan sheets, Web Course Requests, or the Load Students page.
Note: When class lists or timetables are printed, the students will appear in the RCRxxx class/course.
Step 3: “Actual” Course Setup
Once the actual or true course is determined for the student, use theScheduling > Courses page to create the course.
Select Credit Recovery in the Course Type drop-down list.
Select these checkboxes:
Transcript/Credit Course;
Include In: Part Time Calcs;
Include in: Achievement.
The checkbox Allow Early Completion must selected for any course a student may successfully complete prior to the class end date. This checkbox must be selected for the Credit Recovery courses.
Set up your Credit Recovery Courses as combined classes. A single class can be comprised of several students simultaneously taking different courses. On the Builder > Course Sections page, select the actual recovery course from the Course Code drop-down list (e.g. MPM1DR).
From that page, click the green "plus" sign to create a new Section;
In the Sections area, select the credit recovery placeholder (dummy) from the Class Code drop-down list (RCR1OR-01)
Click Save.
Select the next “actual” recovery course from the Course Codedrop-down list (e.g. SNC1DR).
From that page, click the green "plus" sign to create a new Section;
In the Sections area, select the credit recovery placeholder (dummy) from the Class Code drop-down list (RCR1OR-01)
Click Save.
Continue this process if you are assigning multiple courses to the combined classes.
Step 4: Load Students
Use the Load Students page (Scheduling > Load Students) to replace the RCR placeholder course code (e.g. RCR1OR) course from the student's requests.
Add the actual course code (e.g. MPM1DR). Be sure to specify the correct Effective Dateof the change. This is the date your student began the actual Credit Recovery course
Step 5: Course Completion and Mark Reporting
Once the student has completed the Credit Recovery Course, you must ensure the Secondary Achievement module is correctly set up to accommodate these courses. From Core Trillium's Picture Menu, go here: SecondaryAchievement Setup > Secondary Achievement Setup, which will launch TWebSchAdmin's Secondary Achievement Setup page in your web browser.
In your browser, move the pointerover Build Secondary Achievementuntil the submenu appears. Click Year Setup.
Click Course/Section to Report Period Mapping.
Filter by: Course Code: Enter the Course Code of the Course you need to edit or choose it from the drop-down list.
Regular day-school Courses will remain with two rows per semester. But each course flagged as an Allow Early Completion course will have three rows in each semester the course is offered.For example, if course MPM1DR is flagged as Allow Early Completion course for Semester 2, you'll need a row for:
Report Period 3;
Report Period 4;
Marking Period F.
This is the only scenario in which a row for Report Period F will be present.
5. Report Period F must be marked as Final for the early-completion courses to work correctly, as show above.
6. The Ministry Report periods must be set up like this:
Report Period 3 = Ministry Report Period 1
Report Period 4 = Ministry Report Period 2
Report Period F = Ministry Report Period F
Note: If you have courses flagged Allow Early Completion in the course catalogue before the Year Setup page is initialized at the beginning of a new school year, the system will automatically create this configuration for you.
7. If adding courses after the Year Setup page has been initialized, you must enter them manually on the Year Setup page.
Note: DO NOT reinitialize for the current school year end or you lose all manual changes entered during the year.
Note 2: In order for the course to appear on your Report Card, the Year Setup page must have a row defined for each Credit Recovery Course for the appropriate Report Period. The screen shot above displays what a Course will look like, once you've done your manual add. Remember to mark Report Period F as Final.
8. Now you must regenerate Achievement records for only these students.
Go to TWebSchAdmin > Build Secondary Achievement > Report Periods and select the Some Students in the Build Achievement for Report Period: XX section.
Click Course/Sections Search and check the course that was added in the Step 4. Click OK.
9. You will now be able to enter marks for students who have completed their Credit Recovery courses early in Core Trillium (go here: Web Secondary Achievement > Entry by Student) or the teacher can do so in TWebSA.
10. Use theLoad Students > Course Requestspage to drop the course. On the Load Students page, reschedule the student using the correct effective date (the date on which the course was finished. It must fall within the same Report Period in which the Mark was entered). For any Course that has Allow Early Completion selected, this prompt will appear:Has the student completed course <course code>?
11. Select Yes if the student has completed the course. This allows Trillium to determine whether the course is considered completed or withdrawn. If you indicate that the course is not completed, the demit status will be set based on the maintain marks date, and the course may be identified as a withdrawn course.
Note: Once a Course has been completed, or dropped from the student's schedule, it is important to regenerate achievement records for the student.
12. Following this process, if the student is taking a second Credit Recovery course, you could add the second course (e.g. SNC1DR) in place of the ENG1DR course. Be careful to specify the correct Effective Date of the change. If the rescheduling is done from the beginning of the school year, and the student has more than one Credit Recovery course attached to the class, you will delete all but the last one.
Credit Recovery Courses - Packages Method
If a school requires a student to be in two or more Courses at the same time, in the same Block, taught by the same Teacher, a Package must be created. Here's an outline of the necessary steps:
Step 1: Course Setup
Create all Credit Recovery Courses on the Scheduling > Coursespage.
Note: The Course Type must equal Credit Recovery, and Allow Early Completion must be checked. Placeholder Course and OnSIS Placeholder Code are not required since this is the actual course into which students will be placed.
Step 2: Create Sections
You must then create the appropriate number of Sections in the Builder for each Credit Recovery Course.
Note: Follow Steps 1 and 2 to create all Credit Recovery Courses.
Step 3: Create Packages
Return to the Courses screen and create a Package for every potential Credit Recovery scenario. For example, CHV2OR and MFM2PR may be one Package for one group of students and CHV2OR, MFM2PR and ENG1OR may be a package for another group of students.
Note: For ease of use, you may want to create Package names that reflect the Courses contained within the Package.
Step 4: Create Package Sections in the Builder
Return to the Builder and create your Section(s) for your Package(s).
Once the Sections have been created for the Package(s), link the Credit Recovery Courses to the Package(s) on the Packages tab of the builder.
Step 5: Scheduling the Classes
Proceed to the Classes screen and ensure that each of the Credit Recovery Course sections within the Package is scheduled into the same Semester(s), Terms and Blocks.
Step 6: Loading Students into the Package
Now that setup is complete you are able to schedule students into the Package. Use the Course Requests page to add the Package, then use the Load Students tab to schedule the students.
Note: Remember to select the correct Effective Date before scheduling your student.
Additional Notes
Once scheduled, the Credit Recovery Courses replace the Package. Also note that when the Timetable is generated for the student, both of the Credit Recovery Courses will not display in the Block. Instead, an asterisk will display beside the one course that does appear (this indicates a conflict exists, since the student has been scheduled into two courses in the same block – but it is okay in this scenario).
If a student completes all of the Credit Recovery Courses within the Package prior to the End Date, use theLoad Students page to drop the Package for the appropriate date. Because the courses within the Package have the Allow early completion checkbox selected, Trillium will ask whether the course has been completed. This allows Trillium to determine whether the course is to be considered completed or withdrawn. If you indicate the course is not completed, the demit status will be set based on the maintain marks date, and the course may be identified as withdrawn.
To drop one component of the package for a student who is scheduled into both parts of a Credit Recovery Package but has completed one of them, delete the package on the Course Requests page and SAVE. Then, with theInclude Scheduled Sections box selected, Click Refresh. The components will display and you can now drop the appropriate course and reschedule the student, which will leave the remaining course on the Course Requests tab.
Once a Course has been completed, or dropped from the student's schedule, it's important to regenerate achievement records for that student.
NOTE: The above method will not work for Packages that have three or more component pieces. If you have Packages that contain three or more courses, and the student completes one of the components but is still working to complete the remaining components, you must have multiple Packages created to accommodate the possible scenarios (see below for example). Otherwise, the student would be left with two or more courses that have the same Block assignment, which would prevent the student from being successfully scheduled.
These Packages would contain common sections. For example, a school might have the following:
If Student A was originally scheduled into PKG 1 and has now completed SNC2PR but must remain is MFM2PR and ENG2PR, you must delete PKG 1 on that student's Course Requestspage and add PKG 4. Then, on the Load Students page, schedule the student using the appropriate date (based on when SNC2PR was completed). Trillium will ask if you want to save the schedule.Click Yes. You will then be asked if the student has completed SNC2PR. PKG 4 contains section 01 of both remaining courses and continuity is maintained for attendance purposes.
If Student B, also in PKG 1, has now completed MFM2PR, PKG 1 would be deleted from the Course Requests page. PKG 3 would be added and, when scheduled, the student would remain in section 01 of both SNC2PR and ENG2PR.
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