Ontario Reporting: Update v.4.01.00
Looking Ahead
In Q1 of 2019, we will be upgrading to a new version of PowerBuilder 2017. It will not support interaction with Java 6 utilities, only Java 8. Core Trillium uses some of these utilities as part of its framework, including the log-in process. As a result, when you upgrade any one of our four Trillium PowerBuilder applications (Core Trillium, OnSIS, OnRpts or Interfaces) using the new PowerBuilder 2017 version, it is mandatory you upgrade all four of those applications at the same time. Once these versions have been released, all future PowerBuilder releases will be built in this same version. Please plan to upgrade to these new versions in Q1 of 2019.
This advisory affects only products we release in 2019 and after. It does not apply to our releases in November and December, 2018.
Release Notes
Area | Details | JIRA: Trill- |
EQAO - TIMMS extract | For the TIMMS extract, teacher names for math and science are calculated based on determining the Report Period in which the effective date falls. We've adjusted that so, if that date falls within a period that Achievement has not been generated, the extract will use the previous Report Period instead. | 2379 |
EQAO Extracts |
Grade 3 & 6 student data collection
Grade 9 student data collection
| 2393 |
EQAO Extracts | In the PISA extract, if no homeroom can be determined for a student, the homeroom field will be set to "NA." | 2377 |
EQAO Extracts | Students with a gender value other than "M" or "F" are now reported with a hashtag ("#") in the gender field of all EQAO extract files. | 2385 |
EQAO Extracts | The HTML log file will now include any Indigenous type data reported in the EQAO XML file. | 4781 |
EQAO Extracts | We added a column for Permanent Residence information to the extract log files for Grade 3 & 6, 9, and OSSLT extracts. | 1610 |
EQAO Extracts | When calculating the Status in Canada and Permanent Residence value for a student, the calculation will use the mapped OnSIS code for each of the Trillium fields, to permit successfully processing any values that have been added by the Board. If the student's Status in Canada value does not have a corresponding OnSIS code specified, a value of f # (Missing/Unknown) will be reported. If the OnSIS code is a value other than 1-11, a value of 6 (None of the above) will be reported. | 4418 |
Literacy Test Management | The files uploaded by the Literacy Test upload window are compatible with the specifications for 2017-2018. The requirements have not changed from the previous year's requirements. We have only updated the text on the screen. | 5569 |
OCAS/OUAC extract | The files produced by the OCAS/OUAC extract window are compatible with the specifications for 2018-2019. The requirements have not changed from last year's requirements. We have only updated the text on the screen. | 5567 |
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