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Ontario Reporting: Update v.4.00.00


 Trillium Ontario Reporting v.4.00.00 - August, 2018


Trillium Ontario Reporting v. 4.00.00 is compatible with Core Trillium v.3.17.00, and higher.


Download Trillium Ontario Reporting v. 4.00.00 here.
Instructions for installing or removing Ontario Reporting 4.00.00 are here


Release Notes

ModuleAreaDetailsJIRA: Trill-
Ontario Reporting has been updated to use Powerbuilder 2017. Please use the Trillium installer product to deploy this version.2329


Student Extracts

We made some performance improvements to the Panorama Student Extract procedure, affecting phone-number retrieval. You will avoid a Powerbuilder 999 error which some clients experienced. 


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