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TWebSchAdmin: Update v.5.40.45


 TWebSchAdmin v.5.40.45 - March 2018


You must be running    TWebSchAdmin v.5.40.40 or higher before updating to this version.

TWebSchAdmin 5.40.45 is compatible with:

  • Core Trillium v.3.16.00 and higher;

  • Landing page v.5.40.30

  • CAS Central Authorization System v.


Release Notes



Client Ticket #



Lunch time sign-in was not calculating correctly. We've corrected that, so calculation of Absence/Late hours now meets these Ministry requirements:

1. Students Present for the first period, are counted as Present for the entire morning.
2. Students Present for the first period after mid-day time, are counted as Present for the entire afternoon.
3. Students Absent for the first period, but present at any time in the morning, are counted as late.
4. Students Absent for the first period following mid-day time, but present at any time in the afternoon, are counted as late in the afternoon.
5. All other Period Attendance is ignored in the roll-up to Ministry Of Education Attendance.


Compulsory Credit CalculationSchools received a Technical problem has occurred error when the compulsory credit calculation encountered a Course Code of less than five characters (e.g.a non-credit course). We fixed that.138536
CoursesIf a course was dropped and retaken in the same Period, its Marks entered in TWEBSA disappeared when generating Achievement in SAS. We fixed that issue.#137399, #137772, #138099, #137657, #138289, #139185


Achievement Setup

Our application now displays the primary and secondary teacher in Elementary Achievement Setup properly. Previously it showed
the first teacher as both first and second teacher.



Achievement Setup

Religious and Family Life Education Subjects are now only available for schools which belong to Catholic boards.


Incident Report


When a School added an Infraction without providing consequence details, users were getting errors when saving. We fixed that, so infractions will save properly, even when you're not providing consequence details.


ReportsWe modified our application so Class Size reports will not unnecessarily print this message: zero rows returned.134557

Staff Maintenance

When adding addresses to Staff records, you were getting a technical error. We've fixed that.

Staff MaintenanceWhen changing Staff Type from Teacher to Special Ed Teacher, you'll no longer receive a Technical Problem has Occurred error.132957
Student DemographicsWhen you tried to add/edit an address of Rural type without a Road/Street value, you got a technical error and the address record was not saving. We've resolved both issues.134623, 134546
Student DemographicsSome secretaries have been unable to set the mail flag for single students (no sibling group). We fixed that.134379
Student EnrolmentWe changed how we display Board Name, Board ID, School Name in the Demit/NoShow window's picklist. This helps you identify the proper Departure School for out-of-Board departures, when multiple schools have the same name.132757
Student MigrationPre-reg students who were demitted through TWebSchAdmin before attending, were having issues with TWebOLR migration. We've fixed that by modifying TWebSchAdmin demit behaviour. 

Student Registration

Students were able to register in a shared school even if their status was PreReg in their Home School. We fixed that, so only students Active in their Home School can register in a shared school.



Student Enrolment

The demit Student Search was showing schools from other Boards. We improved that picklist, to show only schools which belong to the Board selected on your Demit/NoShow window.


Student EnrolmentWhen a student was shared with, but later demitted from, a school in the same year via TWebSchlAdmin; the Home School Code wasn't populating on the Departure transaction at the shared school in Core Trillium. We made fixes to populate Home School Code in this scenario.132157
Student EnrolmentA student attended your school before departing to a different Board. Then she pre-registered for the upcoming year at your school. Now you learn she is not going to attend, but you receive errors when trying to demit her. We made fixes to demit students in such a scenario.133817, 135075, 134112
Student MaintenanceYou can now register transferred students at your ConEd site, even if the students don't have awards.136420

Student Maintenance

On the Register Student page, the Cohort Year picklist no longer disappears if you click the scroll bar.


Student Maintenance

When you add a note to Notepad and try to use the calendar to assign the Expiry Date, you couldn't select the date. You can now select the date from the calendar.




Under Register Student, students with the same last name were not sorting correctly. We've fixed that, so students again sort: First by Last Name, then by First Name. 


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