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StudentsAchieve: Update 6.8.0


StudentsAchieve 6.8.0 - July 2019

Version Compatibility

Trillium Clients need to be running Trillium Agent v. 2.91.00 or higher


Download these update packages, and the associated install instructions, to your StudentsAchieve web server(s):

  • SAS -

Release Notes


School WideSchool Wide pages have been updated to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
Student Analysis Reports

The Student Assessment Summary Report has been modernized to bring it inline with our new User interface. Features of the new Student Assessment Summary Report include the ability to select multiple aggregates, the ability to hide unassessed objectives, and a more consistent final product. In the new report, the Class, Term, Student, and Aggregate options default to the choices made in Student Analysis.

Optional output includes:

  • All or a selection of students
  • Results
  • Overall result
  • Color vs. black-and-white
  • Unassessed objectives
  • Note: Unassessed objectives may use more space than including only already-graded assessment(s)
  • Completion
  • Absolute value
  • Weight
  • Comments
  • Group by folder
  • Aggregate(s) to print

Each option above is represented as a toggle switch: Click the bar to enable or disable.

Additional print options include:

  • Legal vs. Letter 
  • Portrait vs. Landscape
  • Print (Save to .PDF)
Student AnalysisThe Raw formula for Mode calculation (e.g. Most Consistent) was being calculated incorrectly.  This issue has been resolved.
Parent PortalThe Parent Portal has been updated so that only students in the current school year will display.
Parent PortalAn intermittent error when accessing the Learning Objectives page has been resolved.
Student AnalysisThe tool tip for an assessments' Effective Due Date was not appearing when hovered over. This issue has been resolved.
Touch Marks EntryAn issue with the display of the Weight field when creating/editing an assessment has been resolved.
Touch Marks EntryCells were being greyed out for an assessment when the Assessment Results Publish Date is a future date or never. This issue has been resolved.
Touch Marks EntryAn issue where the Parent Portal Visibility dates were not being saved has been resolved.
Touch Marks EntryAn intermittent error when importing assessments has been resolved.
Touch Marks EntryAn error when overwriting marks has been resolved.

If you wish to print these, consult your browser online help to learn how to scale pages to print on one page.

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