Incident Tracking: Infraction Details
This section records details about an infraction for the selected participant.
You are allowed to add up to 10 infractions, per incident.
The section consists of the Copy Infraction Details button (for students) and five panels: Infractions, Consequence, Non-Academic Program, Violent Incident and Appeal.
When you click Copy Infraction Details, a confirmation message "Did you review your letter comments?" appears. Selecting Yes opens up the Copy Infraction Details pop-up where the details of the Infraction on the page can be copied to other participants in the Incident.
Infractions Panel
In Incident Tracking, you already have a New or existing Incident open. Click anywhere along the Infraction accordion bar. Once the Infraction panel opens, you can review any existing Infraction(s) or add new – up to 10 infractions to each incident. Click Add. All new infractions are added to the top of the list. (A standard which all our web applications follow). Currently the order of the infractions is saved in the database and used when the infraction list is displayed. If, for example, three infractions are to be added in a specific order, you could click Add three times, and then change the infraction type DDLs to achieve the desired infraction order.
If there is more than on Infraction in the list, click the one you wish to work on, and proceed.
The Infraction picklist is populated from the Infraction Types validation table where the Active flag is on. The empty value is added as the first one.
The infraction record can be removed by selecting the empty value in all infraction lists as long as the Consequence value in the Consequence Panel is empty or the value Suspension Withdrawn is selected.
- The Ed. Act. # will display the value for the specified Infraction from the column Ed. Act # on the Infraction Types validation table.
- The Board Ref. # will display the value for the specified Infraction from the column Board Reference # on the Infraction Types validation table.
- The OnSIS Code will display the value for the specified Infraction from the column OnSIS Code on the Infraction Types validation table.
- The Behaviour Scale is shown if the Display Behavior Scale Preference is selected. The values in that list are 1, 2, 3, 4.
Consequence Panel
The Consequence picklist is populated from the records of the Incident Consequences validation table where the Active Flag is on. The box has the empty value, which is selected by default. If Consider as Suspension is set, the functionality for the corresponding option will be the same as for suspension. Otherwise only the Letter Comments and Consequence Description fields will be shown. If you try to choose another value from the list, and previous value was not empty, the message "One participant can have only one consequence. You will lose your previous consequence information. Do you want to continue?" appears.
Consequence of Suspension
The Number of School Days is a mandatory field, displayed with one decimal point and must be at least one day, and not more than 20 days.
The Start Date is a mandatory field and must be within the current school year. The End Date is automatically calculated using only Attendance-taking days from the School Calendar. The formula Start Date of Suspension + Number of Days of Suspension = End Date is used. When the End Date is within the school year the Preference "Overwrite Suspension End Date" must be "On" to make the End Date field is editable. If the End Date is outside the school year, the End Date field is always editable.
The Date to Appeal By is automatically calculated using the value in the Preference "Number of Days for Appeal and the Start Date." If the number of suspension days is changed, then the Date to Appeal By should be changed as well.
The Authority Type default value is Principal. The values in the list are Principal and Vice Principal. If the number of days of suspension is equal or more than six days, the value in the picklist is converted to just "Principal."
The options in the Suspension Program box are determined by the Number of School Days value.
- If the Number of Days is for 1-6 days, values in the Suspension/Expulsion Program picklist are Academic Only, Both Academic and Non-Academic, and Non-Academic Only.
- If the Number of Days is from 6 to 10, the values in the Suspension/Expulsion Program picklist are Academic Only and Both Academic and Non-Academic.
- If the Number of Days is from 11 to 20, the value in the Suspension/Expulsion Program picklist is Both Academic and Non-Academic.
The Program Status field must be filled in if the Suspension/Expulsion Program value is not empty.
Non-Academic Program Panel
The Non-Academic Program field becomes mandatory if Both Academic and Non-Academic value has been selected in the Suspension Program. More than one value can be selected.
- The Letter Comments text box has a maximum of 500 characters. Clicking Spell Check does what you expect.
Consequence of Expulsion
Select whether the student is being expelled from your Board or from your School. This defaults to Expulsion from School.
The Start Date is mandatory and must be within the current school year. The End Date is optional. The only Authority Type is Board.
Expulsion Program value is not mandatory. The picklist contains two options – the empty value and Both Academic and Non-Academic. The Program Status field is mandatory if the Expulsion Program value is not empty. This defaults to Currently Attending.
Non-Academic Program Panel
The Non-Academic Program field becomes mandatory if the Suspension/Expulsion Program is not empty. More than one value can be selected.
- The Letter Comments text box will have a maximum of 500 characters. Clicking Spell Check does what you expect.
Violent Incident Panel
If the Violent Incident check box is selected, a warning message stating "The Education Act has mandated that the police must be notified in all cases of Violence. Complete the fields in the Police Information group box on the Incident Details page or remove the flag from the Violent Incident check box to continue" appears. We advise caution because there is no validation that prevents you from marking an incident as "violent." Therefore you may save the changes on the Incident Tracking: Participant Details page before moving to the Incident Details page and filling out the Police Contact details.
- The OSR Insertion and Removal Date fields are optional and do not need any validation.
Appeal Panel
The values of the Status field are Confirms the Suspension, Quashes the Suspension, Reduced the length of the Suspension and Reduced the Expulsion.
The values of the Status and New Suspension Length fields must be in accordance with the Consequence panel values. E.g., if the Status option is Reduced the Length of the Suspension and the Number of Days is three and the user tries to enter New Suspension Length as four, the message "New Suspension Length must be greater than 1.0 and less than 3.0 school days" will appear. The Under Review checkbox can be selected if the Suspension or Expulsion is under review.
If the New Suspension Length field is not empty, the Start Date becomes mandatory. The Appeal Start Date must be at least one day after Incident Date. If the New Suspension Length field is not empty, the Decision Date becomes mandatory. The Decision Date should be at least one day after the Start Date.
History of Incidents Accordion Bar
The Incident ID, Incident Date, Incident Location, Participant Role, Infraction Type, Behaviour Scale, Consequence, and Number of Days for all Incidents the selected Participant has been involved in; in the current school year, are displayed.
Progressive Discipline Accordion Bar
This optional section appears only when the Preference "Progressive Discipline" is set to "On."
Enter the date of the Progressive Discipline. The Support/Strategy picklist is populated from the values on the Incident Support Strategy Validation table where the Active flag is on. The empty value is selected by default. The Description of the Progressive Discipline should be entered in the text field with a maximum of 1000 characters.
Personal and Demographics Accordion Bar
A view-only display of some of this student's current personal information. The section includes three panels: Participant, Address, and Telecoms. The name will display as Surname, First Name, and Middle Name using the predefined selection of Preferred or Legal. The Address will display as Type, Start Date, End Date, and Address. The Telecom will display as Type, Start Date, End Date, Details, and Comments. The SES field identifies whether the student is a special education student and is receiving some kind of special education support.