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Incident Tracking: Participant Details

You've gone here: School > Incident Tracking; you've created a new incident or searched for an individual participant and then opened one of that student's incidents.

  • The full-width header contains non-modifiable fields for the Incident Date, time, Location and ID.
  • Below, left, is a list of the participants in this incident.
  • The main portion of the window, at right, displays up to five accordion bars for students only. Each of the accordion bars, when expanded, shows data concerning one of the aspects of the selected participant's information. There are also controls for changing this information. 

Participants List

When you enter this Page from Find/Add Incident Page, the Participants List displays all the incident's participants. They are sorted alphabetically. One of the participants must be selected as the current one.
If the page information has been modified and you click another tab or try to switch to another participant (Click Add or select another row in the grid), the warning, "Do you want to save the changes?" appears.
If you need to add another particpant, Click Add. The Add Participant Popup Window appears, starting with a picklist at top left, allowing you to choose from participant categories: Student, Staff, Contact, and Other. Each of those choices will present different fields for you to fill in.
Editing of participant data in the Add Incident Participant window is not allowed (all data is read only).
 All persons, students, staff, contacts, with a status of Active or Inactive will be included in any Add Participant popup; unless the Exclude Person from Find prompt is set 'On'. Students with a status of Pre-Reg will not be included. Other Participants (persons who are not in the database, such as a crossing guard, a retail clerk, a police officer) can also be searched for and included.

Add Participant Pop-Up - Student

The Search Criteria are Preferred or Legal Name(s), OEN, Student Number, Birth Date, Gender, Grade, or Homeroom. There are no mandatory fields. You can enter a portion of the Surname, First Name or Middle Name as a search parameter. The Surname field employs the auto-complete feature.
OEN and Student Number fields are formatted automatically during entering.
Entering Search parameters and clicking Find will populate the grid with all students whose data has the parameters entered.
The grid columns are Status, Name, OEN, Student Number, Birth Date, Gender, Grade, and Homeroom. The grid is sorted by the name.
If none of the students meets the search criteria the grid does not display, instead you'll get: "No results have been found based on your search criteria."

Selecting a row displayed in the lower portion of the page and clicking OK or double-clicking the row will bring you to the Participant Details page, where you can edit the participant information. The selected Student's Photo, Name, Homeroom, Track, Grade, Age, Gender, Status, Student Number, OEN, and Absences and Lates will appear. The student's photo can be in either .jeg or bitmap format.

Add Participant Pop-Up - Staff

The Search Criteria are Preferred Name(s) or Legal Name(s) and MEN. There are no mandatory fields. You can enter a portion of the Surname, First Name and Middle Name as a search parameter.
When the Preference Search Board Staff is 'On,' radio buttons for School Staff and Board Staff are available. When School Staff is selected, the application will include only those staff who have a staff assignment and who meet the search criteria. When Board Staff is selected the application will include all board staff who meet the search criteria.
Entering Search parameters and clicking Find populates the grid with all staff members whose data meet the parameters entered.
The grid columns are: Name, Position, Gender, Status, and MEN. 

If none of your staff meet the search criteria the grid does not display, instead you'll get: "No results have been found based on your search criteria."

Selecting a row displayed in the lower portion of the page and clicking OK or double-clicking the row will bring you to the Participant Details page, where you can edit the participant information. 

Add Participant Pop-Up - Contact

The Search Criteria are Preferred Name(s) or Legal Name(s) or Gender of the Contact and/or OEN or Student Number of the associated student. You can enter a portion of the Surname, First Name and Middle Name as a search parameter. Either the Contact Surname of an Associated Student OEN must be entered.
OEN and Student Number fields are formatted automatically during entering.
Entering a Search parameter and clicking Find populates the grid with the list of all persons meeting the search criteria.
The grid contains columns with Name, Gender and Associated Student and Student Number.
If a contact has more than one associated student, then the contact's data is suppressed in the following lines; each contact name is displayed only once.

If none of the contacts meet the search criteria the grid does not display, instead you'll get: "No results have been found based on your search criteria."

Selecting a row displayed in the lower portion of the page and clicking OK or double-clicking the row will bring you to the Participant Details page, where you can edit the participant information. 

Add Participant Pop-Up - Other

There are two tabs on this window. The Find Participant tab has fields for Surname, First Name, Middle Name and Gender. Entering a Search parameter and clicking Find populates the grid with the list of all persons meeting the search criteria. The grid contains columns with Name, Gender and Description. The Description has a limit of 1000 characters.

If there are no matches, the grid does not display, instead you'll get: "No results have been found based on your search criteria."

Selecting a row displayed in the lower portion of the page and clicking the OK or double-clicking the row will bring you to the Participant Details page, where you can edit the participant information.

The Add New Participant tab has fields for Salutation, Surname, First Name, Middle Name, Gender and Description. Entering a Search parameter and clicking Find populates the grid with the list of all persons meeting the search criteria. The grid contains columns with Name, Gender and Description. The Description has a limit of 1000 characters. 

Role Details Accordion Bar

The selected Participant's Details are displayed and/or available for data entry. The Participant Injury picklist is populated with the values from the Incident Injuries validation table if the Active flag is selected. The Participant Roles picklist is populated with the values from the Incident Roles validation table where the Active flag is selected. Both lists have an empty value, which is selected by default if a role injury has not been assigned yet.
 If this is a new Incident, the grid does not display. 

Open the Personal and Demographics Accordion Bar to see a view-only display of this participant's details.

Follow-Up with Parent/Guardian Panel

If your selected particpant is a student, there is a Follow-Panel.

Clicking the Date field produces a calendar where the date the Parent/Guardian was contacted can be selected.  Enter the time the Parent/Guardian was contacted. Details of the contact can be entered in the Details text field, with a maximum of 3000 characters.
The Spoke With picklist is populated with the student's contacts, for which at least one of the following flags is set to on - Receives Mail, Custody, Guardian, or Lives With. Other students in the school who are connected to the participant through the use of the Sibling function also displayed in Spoke With.
Click Contact's Information to display this view-only list of fields from Contact's record:
 Relationship – text
 Emergency Priority – numeric
 Closure Priority – numeric
 Access – flag
 Guardian – flag
 Custody – flag
 Lives with Student – flag
 Receives Mail – flag
 Access to Records – flag
 Speaks School Language – flag
 Preferred Language – text
 Work Phone
 Cell Phone
 Home Phone
Details of any Follow Up Recommendations can be entered in the designated text field with a maximum of 4000 characters.
A standard Spell Check function is available.

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