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TrilliumReports: Update v.5.40.30


TrilliumReports v.5.40.30 -  September_2017.



Compatible with Core Trillium 3.16.00 and higher.  

This release addresses issues with these reports: Attendance profile, Kindergarten reports


Release Notes

ModuleFunctionDetailsClient Ticket #
ReportsReportsNo Apache Struts 2 upgrade required for this product
AttendanceAttendance and Achievement ReportThe status column of the Attendance/Achievement Report detail section again displaysA/I/P for Active/Inactive/Prereg status, accordingly; instead of NULL. We also modfied the Report's header to display Active, Inactive, Prereg. The header portion formerly was blank if the status of the student was Inactive or Prereg.128213


Attendance Profile

In previous versions, you were required to have the Security Task Transcripts Reports to run Attendance Profile Report  

We've fixed that. Now you need this Security Task:  Attendance, Reports and Inquiry screens.

AttendanceDaily Attendance RecordThe Daily Attendance Record Report is no longer missing dashes at the beginning of the Report to show Non-Enrolled days. 131419
AttendanceDaily Attendance RecordExam days are no longer indicated on the Daily Attendance Record, per Ministry regulations.131452, 130981


Enrolment History

In previous versions,  you needed the Security Task Transcripts Reports to run Enrolment History Report

We fixed that. Now you need this Security Task: STUMNT - Reports - Full Enrolment History.



Attendance Profile

Inside Jasper Report Server, the Attendance Profile Report is available in both folders: Attendance and Secondary Achievement.

After you update, delete the version in the Secondary Achievement folder by doing this:

  • Login as admin user to Jasper report server (normally superuser/superuser)
  • Go here: Organization > Trillium > Reports > Secondary Achievement
  • If you see a report called Attendance Profile under this folder, right- click on the Report and Select Delete to remove it.

Once you perform the deletion, you should not have to keep revisiting this when performing future upgrades.

Elementary AchievementKG Report CardsWe now ensure ECE teachers are not included in the Teacher's name box when determining if a Class has a second teacher assigned. 131910, 130919
Elementary AchievementKG Report CardsFor some students, the ECE teacher name was not printing on one or more pages of the Report Card. We fixed that.131723, 131640, 131522
Elementary AchievementKG Report CardsMany extra pages were being created for a single student. We corrected that.131365, 131650

Elementary Achievement

KG Report Cards

The Designated School name and address now prints on the Report Cards for students registered in CTCC schools.

Elementary Achievement

KG Report Cards

Board addresses with unit numbers now display correctly.


Elementary Achievement
KG Report Cards
We modified KG Report Cards to display principal and teacher names in the format you set in Core Trillium's Preferences. The report will now display staff legal names, matching the Grade 1 to 8 Report Cards.131358

Do TrilliumReports Updates Delete My Current Reports in Jasper?   
Edit section

The process works like this:

  1. If a report with the same name (and location) exists in the database, it is replaced;

  2. If a report exists in the database and we do not include it in the Jasper export, it stays the way it is (this is what keeps Board reports unmodified);

  3. Any new object is added.

If you wish to print these, consult your browser online help to learn how to scale pages to print on one page.

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