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Core Trillium: Update 4.10.00


Core Trillium v.4.10.00 - May, 2018

Important Notes

The Ministry of Education is not yet accepting the new gender values (X and N). When the Ministry is ready, Trillium will be ready. Core Trillium has been enhanced to handle additional gender values, which will be enabled, when needed. The main changes involve Gender radio buttons on picklists in the Student Maintenance module. 

These reports also are modified to show extra values, when they become available:

  • Grade by Gender;

  • School Enrolment Totals;

  • Suspension summary by school/month/gender

  • SHSM Program Participants


Download v. 4.10.00 here

Release Notes

Client Ticket #
AdminGateway SettingsWe removed the URL Format option from the Web Products tab on the Admin Gateway Maintenance window. This option is no longer required for configuring Web URLs.132786
ApplicationNew Utility

A utility has been added to the Core Trillium Board Menu to identify and correct occurrences of multiple students with registrations on or after school year 2016-2017 that share the same Student Number. When you open the utility, affected students will be listed along with the new Student Numbers, assigned as required. The Student Number changes can then be saved -- or cancelled by closing the window without saving.

To enable this option, your user profile must have the new Duplicate Student Number Utility system task assigned.

We also corrected the underlying code which created the duplicate Student numbers.

Application CustomizationGateway ApproachThere is a checkbox at the bottom of the Web Products tab on the Admin Gateway Maintenance window. When it's checked, Trillium uses Google Chrome to open Trillium web products. If the box is checked and Chrome isn't available, Trillium uses Internet Explorer. We tested this functionality and found it's working as designed in Windows 10.
AttendanceScanning Log You can again view the Attendance Log file. The PBTCTEXT170.DLL file was inadvertently left out of recent installation packages. We've added it back into 4.10.00
Board Student SearchDemographicsIn preparation for the Ministry's support of additional gender values, modifications have been made to the gender field on the Board Student Search.  It will now display all active genders.  Currently, only Male and Female are active genders. (additional info available atop this page)
Clients attempting to launch Core Trillium 4.00.00 in a clean install were unable to, and received an error. There was a missing file (ATL100.dll) in the install package. We fixed that by adding it into our 4.10.00 install. 139897
ReportsKG AchievementWe fixed the condition which led to this error: subquery returned more than 1 result, when generating KG Achievement.139287
ReportsCon. Ed. RegistersCalculations to determine whether a student has missed three or more consecutive classes are adjusted to ignore all sessions marked as D or C, so that these values do not break a string of consecutive absences.140065
ReportsAdult Native Languages Register

The Ministry has modified the name of the Adult Native Language register to Register of Enrolment in Adult Indigenous Language Instruction.

The Use of Register value for the course type Adult Basic Education has also been changed from Adult Native Language Instruction to Adult Indigenous Language Instruction.

ReportsRolodex LabelsThe Rolodex Label Report's header now shows First_name, correctly, instead of Last_name.135095


Consecutive Days Absent Report

When clients unchecked the consecutive box to see ALL absences, our software didn't always calculate the absences correctly. We made fixes to fetch records for Report Consecutive Days Absent from the ministry_reported_attendance table.







The Ministry has modified the name of the Adult Credit for Diploma Purposesregister to Register of Enrolment in Continuing Education Credit Courses.

When printing Continuing Education registers, the Course Type picklist will now show Continuing Education Credit Courses. Also, in the Scheduling > Courses window, the Course type of Credit-Diploma Purposes has been changed to ConEd Credit.


Literacy/Numeracy Register;

Credit for Diploma Purposes Register;

Con. Ed. Registers /Adult Indigenous Language;

ILE Register

The Ministry of Education clarified that the population of the Sep-Jun and Summer fields on the Credit for Diploma Purposes/Credit Courses Register Summary & Detail pages should be based on the student's Start Date in the Course, not the Course's start date. Therefore, it's possible both the Sep-Jun and Summer fields will hold data in them, but an individual student will only be counted under one or the other, not both.

ReportsSHSM ParticipantsThis report is now ready to accommodate the new gender values, once the Ministry of Education activates them.
ReportsEnrolment RegisterWe corrected this report to, again, show an indicator "A" next to adult students.98658
Scheduler Builder

When the tab Courses to Class was used to generate Course Sections, the field calcd_final_mark_flag in the course_code_section table was set to null. This led to errors when generating Achievements. We've fixed that.

Please run this script to correct any lingering bad data:
update course_code_section set calcd_final_mark_flag = ' ' where calcd_final_mark_flag is null;

136162, 140433


Security Tasks

The Trillium security data model has been updated to improve the management of the security tasks used to access to the various Core Trillium and web product components.

Please view this article for more information.

Because there are significant model changes for this upgrade, it's important to back up your database before performing upgrades. This protects you from unexpected situations such as power failure, etc. during the upgrade process. 


Security Tasks

The obsolete security task STUMNT - Header - Change School Year has been removed. It was a functional duplicate of STUMNT - Change School Year. If the obsolete security task STUMNT - Header - Change School Year was in use and the newer security task was not previously assigned, you'll have to assign it as required.

SecurityPhoto AccessWe added a Security Task to support access to student photos in Core Trillium, but it will not be engaged until Core Trillium 4.10.10. You're able to assign it now, anticipating its implementation. Once implimented, the new Task, student_photowill enable users assigned it to view student photos even if they do not have the Student: Display Student Information Security Task. The student photo pop-up will display the student photo when the user has either, or both, Tasks assigned.
Student MaintenanceStatus in Canada fieldWhen a new student is added in Core Trillium, the Status in Canada field now saves correctly, rather than saving as null.
#135373, #139022
Student MaintenanceProvince of Birth field
  • The Province of Birth field will always be set to blank if the Birth Country is anything other than Canada.
  • The Status in Country and Verification will only be blanked out if Birth Country is changed from Canada to something else.
  • The Status in Country and Verification will remain unchanged when the Birth Country is changed from one non-Canada country to another.
  • Students of foreign birth should now load without error.

Validation TablesCTCC SchoolsSome boards have schools with different BSIDs but the same name. To help identify the correct school, we added the BSID to the Designated schools picklist.133586
Validation Tables

Adding a

Custom Table

While adding a Custom Table in Validation tables screen, <Table Description> was getting disabled when clients enter <Table Key>.  Hence, they were  gettingInvalidEntry error message. We made fixes to enable <Table Description> to avoid getting the Error message.128750
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