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Demographic Updater: Profile Association


The first major difference between VIA Online Registration and VIA Demographic Updater (DU), is that with DU, parents must already be stored in your student information system (SIS) and have a relationship with the student(s) whose record(s) they wish to update.

Next Steps

  1. Parents who do not yet have credentials, Click Parents/Guardians under Don't have an Account

2. Click One of my children is already enrolled with the district.

3. Click Create an Account.

4. Fill in your name, email address, and the password your school provided. All four blanks need to be filled in with the same information your school's student information system has on file for you.

5. On the next screen, Click Parent with actively enrolled students.

6. That will take you to the Account Registration screen. Click Yes.

7. And then our system will make you prove it. Fill in the OEN of one of your students and the birthdate of one of your students. Then, Click Submit.

8. Success! The account you are creating has been linked with your profile information from your school's SIS. You will be asked to log out and log back in. 

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