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Incident Tracking: Role Details

In Incident Tracking, you already have a New or existing Incident open. Click anywhere along the Role Details accordion bar. The selected Participant's photo, Exceptionality, SES, Gender. Age, Track, Status, Grade, Absence record for the year. Student Number, OEN, Homeroom, Participant Category, Participant Injury (if any) and Particpant Role display.

  • The student's photo can be in either .jpg or bitmap format.
  • The Participant Injury picklist populated with the values from the Incident Injuries validation table where the Active flag is checked.
  • The Participant Roles picklist  is populated with the values from the Incident Roles validation table where the Active flag is checked.
    • Both picklists have an empty value, which is selected by default if a role or injury have not been assigned yet.

Follow Up with Parent/Guardian Panel

Clicking the Date field to enter the date you contacted the Parent/Guardian.  Enter the time they were contacted. Details of the contact made can be entered in the Details text field, with a maximum of 3000 characters.
The Spoke With picklist is populated with the student's contacts for which at least one of the following flags is set to on - Receives Mail, Custody, Guardian, or Lives With. Other students in the school who are connected to the participant through the use of the Sibling function will also be displayed.

Click Contact's Information to get a view-only pop-up window which these fields from the student's Contacts information:

  •  Name
  •  Relationship
  •  Emergency Priority – numeric
  •  Closure Priority – numeric
  •  Access – flag
  •  Guardian – flag
  •  Custody – flag
  •  Lives with Student – flag
  •  Receives Mail – flag
  •  Access to Records – flag
  •  Speaks School Language – flag
  •  Preferred Language – text
  •  Work Phone
  •  Cell Phone
  •  Home Phone
  •  Email address

Enter details of any Follow Up Recommendations in the designated text field, up to a maximum of 4000 characters.
Clicking Spell Check does what you expect.



The following security tasks are applicable to this module.
 and sas_honour_roll
This module application must adhere to the "Update Flag" setting for the particular user when determining if buttons are visible or invisible.
The user must have the all students flag checked 'On' on the security task controlling the page in order to be able to perform any thing on this page, otherwise the page has to be presented in a Read Only mode.

Honour Roll

The Honour Roll Setup page is used to define the honour roll criteria and requirements a student must meet in order to be eligible for the honour roll. This information will be used when generating the Honour Roll report.  The user can create an unlimited number of criteria sets.  Note that in addition to these criteria, courses must be flagged as 'Include in Honour Roll' in the Scheduling Courses window in order to be considered by the Honour Roll calculation.
This Menu option is controlled by the 'SAS - Honour Roll' security task.

Master List

Section Controls

Show  Inactive Criteria

This field is used to indicate if the list should include inactive criteria(s).

Master List Table

This table is not editable. It displays a list of the criteria defined in the default school. It allows the user to select criteria to maintain its details or to select criteria to delete. Also, the user will be able to add new criteria. This table is displayed sorted by description and the user is able to sort by pressing any column header (except for flags) to re-sort the table according to the user's needs.  


The first row in the list is selected by default. Once selected the criteria details are displayed in the details section, where the user can make changes.


Displays the unique name of the criteria.


Displays the description of the criteria.

Include Dropped Courses

When checked, dropped courses are included in the honour roll calculation.

Include Courses from Other Schools

When checked, courses from other schools are included in the honour roll calculation.


Indicates the status of the criteria.

Year Created

Indicates the school year the criteria was created.

Last Modified

Indicates the last date the criteria was modified.

Command Buttons


This button is used to add a new criteria for the school.


This button is used to delete the selected criteria.

Criteria Details

Section Controls


This is the unique name of the criteria, specified when the criteria is first added. Once the new criteria is saved, the name cannot be changed.


Checking this checkbox indicates the Honour Roll criteria is active, and will be available when printing the Honour Roll report.


This is the description of the Honour Roll criteria.

Year Created

This field displays the school year in which the criteria was created.

Last Modified

This field displays the date the criteria was last modified.

Use Weighted Averages

This checkbox indicates that the honour roll calculation will determine the average by weighting the marks by their corresponding attempted credit.

Include Dropped Courses

This checkbox indicates that dropped courses will be included in the honour roll calculation.

Include Courses Completed at another School

This checkbox indicates that courses earned at another school (either in the same board or in another board). When the honour roll report is run, the user will be able to specify a date range to use to determine the completed courses that are to be included in the honour roll calculation.

Requirements for High Honours, Requirements for Low Honours

Check these boxes in order to be able to edit the requirements for high and/or low honours.

Lowest Mark

The mark entered is the lowest mark that qualifies for high/low honours. For example - if the lowest mark for high honours is 70 then any course with a mark of less than 70 will disqualify the student, even though the student may have an average of 90. Only numbers are allowed.

Minimum Average

This value indicates the lowest average to qualify for the honour roll. Only numbers are allowed.

Minimum Number of Credits

This value indicates the lowest number of credits a student must have attempted during the report period to be eligible for the honour roll. Student who do not meet this requirement will be disqualified from the honour roll. Only numbers are allowed.

Minimum Number of Courses

This value indicates the lowest number of courses a student must have enrolled in during the report period in order to qualify for the honour roll. Only numbers are allowed.

Course Types Excluded from Calculations

Course Types

This table displays a list of course types to be excluded from the Honour roll calculations, even if the course has been flagged as 'Include in Honour Roll' in the Courses window. The table is displayed sorted in an ascending order.


When clicked a popup is displayed allowing the user to select/deselect the course types to exclude from the honour roll calculation.

Command Buttons


This button is used to save the current criteria.

Edit Excluded Course Types Popup

Section Controls


This box is used to select/deselect course types to be excluded from the honour roll calculations

Course Type

This is a complete list of available course types.


This button is used to update the list of course types on the main page


This button is used to cancel the changes and return to the main page.

Section Controls

High Honours

Indicates that high honours students must be included in the report

Low Honours

Indicates that low  honours students must be included in the report

Select Criteria

Lists all active predefined criteria(s)

Use All Marks

This field is always enabled. When pressed the system closes the popup, keeps the course type list on the main page unchanged.

Number of Marks to use in Average Calculations

Indicates that average calculations are to take into account the students' marks in all courses.

Report Period

Indicates which report period the honour roll report should be generated for.

Print Totals

Indicates that the total number of students receiving honours will be displayed on the report.

Include Completed Courses

Indicates if completed courses should be included in the report

Start and End Dates

Only courses ended between those dates will be included in the calculations

Select Grades

This section displays the available grades in the selected school. The report will be generated for only the selected grades

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