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Via Online Forms: Early Years Experiences Survey


Since October 2018, the Ontario Ministry of Education has been asking for information regarding your first-time enrollees' experience before enrolling at your Board. The Early Years Experiences (EYE) survey is part of Via Online Forms (Online Registration) v. 3.5. The entire survey is optional, and has decreased from an original seven questions to the five you see here. 

  • You'll be able to fill the entire survey for an individual student out all at once, or you'll be able to fill it in during multiple sessions. 
  • Our software will allow you to fill out the EYE Survey for any student, even high-school seniors; so exercise care when choosing your student. You will always want to survey only those KG students who did not previously enroll in an Ontario school.
  • Some questions allow you to have more than one answer, while others will not.
  • If you choose don't remember  for any question, that is the only answer you can enter for that particular question. 
  • The Ministry provided us a list of Cities and Child Care Centers, which we've made available as picklists in some questions. Not applicable is a choice as well, which would be used in some situations, for instance, when the child was in the care of a parent, friend or unlicensed home.
  • Some answers will involve time blocks. 
  • You don't have to provide an answer for each question or age bracket within each question. If you leave some blank, you will still be able to save the other answers.
  • The transmission plan is: EYE will be part of the OnSIS collection/transmission each October, beginning in October 2018. Each October, OnSIS will transmit students who have their EYE information identified as being completed for that school year (based on the answer to the School Year Survey Completed prompt).

Next Steps

Parents working on a Registration form will find a question at the bottom of the form asking whether they wish to participate in this optional survey. If they click in the affirmative, they come to the form you see at the top of this page. 


Asks about the type of child care this student's experienced. This is the first of four questions which have age periods. Unlike the other three, this one allows multiple answers per age period. As with many answers in this survey, begin by making a choice from the picklist (as shown in the second screen shot below) to the main question (in this case: Type of care. You see the Licensed Home Child Care being chosen) and then fill in details (In this case: Amount of time; shown in the first screen shot). If your child had more than one experience within a given age range, Click Add Another (shown in the second screen shot). You should be able to provide up to six Child Care entries per age group.


Asks whether your child was in a licensed centre, and if so, which one. It allows you to enter one answer per age period. In the example, our respondent chose Licensed Centre or Agency, which opened a search bar. Begin typing either the Centre's name or part of the address, and Via will display the centres that match what you entered in the search bar. If you see the centre you are looking for, click on it. If you don't see the name of your care centre in the picklist, Click No  when asked if you found it. That will open, as shown below, the text-entry boxes for Centre Name, its City Name and Street Name. A care centre name manually entered here will override any value that might have been selected in the list.


Asks whether the student's parent has heard of child and family centers the Ministry of Education has invested in.


Asks how often the student participated in a provincial Early Years Child & Family Centre. It is another question with age periods. You can enter one answer per period.


 Asks about other activities the child may have participated in. You are, again, allowed one answer per age period.

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