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Synrevoice Release Notes 1.30.00


Synrevoice 1.30.00  March, 2018



This release contains fixes and new features for Synrevoice-Trillium interface designed for data exchanges between Trillium database and Synrevoice system. 

Synrevoice 1.30.00 is compatible with Core Trillium 3.16.00 and higher.

Release Notes 

Client Ticket #
Parents Notification Interface. ExtractionExtraction of student data into Synrevoice will be now performed for students of ConEd and summer schools  as well as for students' home schools.139149

Student Attendance

We enhanced the process of writing Attendance data from Synrevoice back into Trillium, to manage Ministry changes. The Ministry recently expanded G-Day codes for more Attendance records. For example, individual absences for reasons like Bereavement or Inclement Weather will now be recorded under Trillium Attendance database records as 'G-Day' type. Previously, the Synrevoice reason import would only import reasons for the “Absence” attendance type.  Now, the Bereavement reason supplied by the parent will be  recorded under Trillium attendance database record as 'G-Day' type.
          Please note: In order to implement this change, you have to modify your mapping table in Synrevoice -- in the School Connects or School Messenger Parent Portal -- to indicate which Attendance type the record is to be. Please follow this pattern:

  • "G_Bereavement" if you want to treat this reason as G-Day;
  • "A_Bereavement" if you want to treat this reason as Absent.


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