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Core Trillium Update 4.15.30


Core Trillium v.4.15.30 - August 2022

When upgrading to this version, clients must also upgrade at the same time to TwebSchAdmin 5.44.30, TwebSchool 5.45.00, and TrilliumReports 5.45.20 or higher. 

This limitation is a result of the new online learning fields that are required for the report cards, transcripts and compulsory credit calculation.

Note the previously released TrillRpts 5.45.00 required clients to also upgrade to TwebEA 5.44.30.  If you are upgrading your TrillRpts to 5.45.00 or higher, also plan on upgrading your version of TwebEA.


Core Trillium 4.15.30 download is here.

Release Notes

Client Ticket #
Continuing Education Registers

The Equivalent ADE calculation in the Continuing Ed registers has been enhanced to follow the new Ministry calculation rule for the 21-22 school year. Each individual student’s equivalent ADE is calculated and rounded to 4 decimal places, and then the values for all students are summed together for the final value that is printed on the register. Previously, all student’s ADE was summed together and then the rounding was applied. This can result in a slightly higher ADE value for the course overall.

This affects all attendance based continuing education registers.





Transcript Information

The Transcript Information page will now allow a Mature PLAR student to have a maximum of 13 PLAR credits at the grade 11 or 12 level, instead of 10, as per Ministry regulations.

Transcript InformationWhen overriding the SHSM credits, the value of Co-operative Education can now be saved for a course.06120269TRILL-10499
Continuing Education Registers

The attendance based continuing education registers have been adjusted to exclude cancelled funded session, as recently directed by the Ministry.

Continuing Education RegistersThe continuing education Credit Course register now displays a zero for funded sessions for any dual credit course reported on the register.06482574TRILL-10626
Continuing Education Registers

The Continuing Education registers no longer print extra blank pages within the report.


Transcript modifications have been made to ensure that for courses with a letter as the 4th character of the course code, the letters A through E are converted to the corresponding 1 to 5 numeric value (e.g. A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, E = 5) when printing the course’s Grade/Level information. Any alpha character above E would display a 5.






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