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TrilliumReports: Update v.5.43.00


TrilliumReports v.5.43.00 - October 2019.


Compatible with Core Trillium 4.12.00 and higher.
If you have not already done so, you must update to TrilliumReports  5.42.10 prior to installation.


TrilliumReports 5.43.00 download is here.

Release Notes

FunctionDetailsClient Ticket #


Selective Marks ReportsThe Selective Marks and the Selective Marks by Teacher reports are adjusted to print the entire class name without truncation. 04383060TRILL-7371
Selective Marks by Teacher - Page Break IssueThe Selective Marks By Teacher report did not include a page break between each teacher properly, resulting in an incorrect list of courses.  This has been fixed.04383103TRILL-7372
KG Report Cards

While printing the KG Report Cards, the borders, header and footer content is cut off in some instances. This issue is resolved.


Reports Issue - Blank PDFsReports generated from menu dropdowns in TWebSchAdmin (such as the reports dropdown on the Student Maintenance page) sometimes downloaded as blank PDF files. This issue has been resolved.



SA - Progress ReportGenerating the Secondary Achievement - Progress Report from Trillium Reports encountered a title alignment issue. This issue is resolved.



Ontario Student TranscriptAttempting to print a large number of student transcripts from Trillium Reports generated an error. This issue has been resolved.04466885TRILL-8453
KG Report Card - LogoThe new Ontario provincial logo now appears on all versions of the Kindergarten Initial Observations and Communication of Learning report cards.
Ontario Student Transcript - LogoThe new Ontario provincial logo now appears on the Ontario Student Transcript report.

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