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Core Trillium Update 4.12.00


Core Trillium v.4.12.00 - March 2019


This version includes an upgrade to a new version of PowerBuilder 2017R3 and Java 8 Open Source.


Download Trillium R3 Installer here.

Release Notes

Client Ticket #


New Version of PowerBuilder 2017R3 and Java 8 Open source

The Trillium PowerBuilder applications no longer use a local Java environment for encryption or LDAP.

  • Encryption for LDAP is now processed by the Trillium Authentication and Authorization web service (TAAWS).
  • TAAWS must be installed and configured to continue to use LDAP. See Upgrade Instructions for more information.
  • PowerBuilder 2017R3 introduces new and stronger encryption utilities. The new encryption utilities are used to secure:
    • Export/Import between the boards functionality.
    • Login credentials used in the enhanced Gateway process, scheduled process in Core Trillium , ONSIS and Interfaces applications.
  • Boards will only be able to process exported student files that have been created using Core Trillium 4.12.00 or higher.
  • This release can only be installed using the new Trillium4R3 Installer.
  • All four Trillium PowerBuilder applications (Core Trillium, OnSIS, Ontario Reports, and Interfaces) MUST be upgraded at the same time.

LanguagesThe OnSIS mapping for Marathi and Sindhi languages is updated.03830169TRILL-7405
SHSM ComponentAs recommended by the Ministry, the French translations for « Composant MHS » and « Littératie en mathématiques » have been updated to « Composantes MHS » and « Littératie mathématique ».
Index Card - Short Version The Short Version of the Index Card no longer displays an extra email address in the header section of the report.
Reports"Aboriginal Student" has been updated to "Indigenous Student" on both the Long and Short Index Card reports. 
ReportsWhen requesting cumulative attendance totals on the Oracle Version of the Consecutive Days Absent/Late report, the report times out. This issue has been resolved and the report now generates successfully.



ReportsThe Continuing Education Register Verification report will now display the Start and End Dates for ConEd Elearning (LMS) courses.03785494TRILL-6697
Update Student Program The Accommodation/Provision button is no longer hidden on the Award/Credit tab.
PreferencesOn the Board Demographic Preference page, the "Display Aboriginal Student" preference has been renamed to "Display Indigenous Student". 
Continuing Education RegistersThe Continuing Education Registers will now successfully calculate the student's Day School value when a student has been enrolled in the Continuing Education school multiple times during the school year.
SHSM Major ReportWhen generating the SHSM Major Record Report for a student attending a CTCC school, the designated school name will now appear instead of the CTCC school name.03850658TRILL-6396
ReportsThe Summer School Register Report will now print a zero in "total number of funded sessions" for any dual credit course if the column value is blank.03671008TRILL-6391
Update to PowerBuilder 2017R3The Ontario Reports, OnSis, and Interfaces applications are now accessed from Core Trillium using an updated gateway process. The new process secures the login credentials with strong encryption and a security token. This change has been implemented to prevent the exposure of the current user's username and password when launching OnSIS or Ontario Reporting from within Core Trillium.03827181TRILL-6106
Summer School RegisterIn the Summer School Register Report, the ADE field and related ADE calculation fields are now reported with 4 decimal points.03583487TRILL-5018
Trillium LDAP Authentication (Logon) Update

If your site is not using LDAP to authenticate Trillium users, no further action is required.

The Trillium PowerBuilder suite of products has been updated to use twebservices-auth, web service to authenticate LDAP user credentials. This change has been implemented due to Appeon, a PowerBuilder Vendor, not supporting the latest versions of Java.

A new attribute (Web Service URL: ) has been added to the Core Trillium LDAP tab in the Preferences window. This attribute must be populated with the URL of the twebservices-auth web service.


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