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Trillium OnSIS: Update v. 4.06.10


Trillium OnSIS v.4.06.10 - March 2021


This version is compatible with Core Trillium 4.14.10 and higher.

OnSIS Reminder

Do not use Excel to edit, modify or save your CSV files, as it changes the formatting and causes errors during the loading of these files. Use Notepad to edit, modify, or save those files.


Download OnSIS 4.06.10 here

HotFix One, March 26 2021

  • NoShowed students who failed to return to school in September triggered a database error.  This is resolved.
  • Reporting of gender identity from a text field triggered a database error.  This is resolved.

Release Notes

FunctionDescriptionClient ticket #JIRA
SnapshotFor OnSIS October Secondary submission, students who are not present in the school on Oct 30th but have Oct FTE to report will have adjustments made to their reported enrolment start and end dates to ensure that the student is shown as active on the count date. Refer to the detailed description of OnSIS modifications made in the document attached to this PowerSchool Community article.
Verification ReportsNote: As a result of the Ministry's instructions to exclude students who have Oct FTE but who are not enrolled in the school on Oct 30th from the total student counts on the enrolment registers, and the OnSIS instructions to report these same students as Active in the school on the count date, the enrolment registers and OnSIS summary or detailed verification reports may not provide the same number of students for the count date.

GeneralTesting has been performed to ensure that large elementary or secondary schools (e.g. 17,000+ students) can successfully generate a snapshot. Schools of this size may take a very long time (8+ hours) to complete, in which case boards should consider using the batch function feature to generate these snapshots.

OnSIS has indicated that teachers who are not assigned to classes within a secondary school running a Quadmester or Octomester school will be accepted without generating errors. Using the Error/Warning Control preference page within Trillium OnSIS, the board should change the following School Educator Assignment extract errors to warnings:

  • 'Educator's total number of classes and subjects is less than teaching assignment records. Some teaching records have neither classes nor subjects' to a warning.
  • If Teaching-Leading/Non-Teaching = Teaching (T), the educator must be attached to an active class in Class information.
  • If Teaching-Leading/Non-Teaching belongs to B - Teaching-Leading/Non-Teaching, the educator must be attached to an active class in Class information.
  • If Teaching-Leading/Non-Teaching belongs to T - Teaching, the educator must be attached to a class in Class information.
  • If Teaching-Leading/Non-Teaching belongs to B - Teaching-Leading/Non-Teaching, the educator must be attached to a class in Class information.
  • If Position type=‘ECE’ or ‘LCE’ and Teaching-Leading/Non Teaching='Teaching-Leading', there must be a class assignment only and no assigned subject.

Educators with this combination of data will appear in the warning log during the OnSIS Snapshot process. Schools that are running a semester schedule should review these warnings and correct their data.


The Ministry has indicated that OYAP must be reported from a student's home school. For students who are shared from their home school and are only enrolled in courses at their shared (e.g. remote) school this will trigger an OnSIS validation error. As a result, the board will need to adjust the error using the Error/Warnings Control Preference page.

Under the School Enrolment extract type, change the following error to a warning:

  • 'OYAP flag is checked then student must have at least one class enrolment or Other Credits record in the current submission'

The Ministry has also indicated that Second Language programs and their corresponding minutes (if appropriate) for elementary students need to be reported from their home school to generate funding, not their shared or remote school. Schools will need to ensure that this information in Trillium is maintained through the home school. Schools can report this information from both schools if they wish, but the information sent from the Main School will be the one driving funding.

Transmission.OnSIS summer transmission files can now be successfully generated for a large number of schools that share a bsid.
SnapshotSome Oracle clients were encountering an issue for their summer submissions where completed courses and/or ADE for courses was not being reported. This has been corrected.
SnapshotWhen reporting no-show students in the October submission, the gender and specify gender data in the csv file will be included in the October submission record, avoiding an error that the 'specify' tag is missing.
TransmissionGender and gender description data will now appear in the enrolment section for a non-enrolled student in the OnSIS Secondary submission files.





SnapshotWhen the reporting a failing final mark for a course we now ensure that the earned credit is always reported as 0.




SnapshotModifications have been made to ensure that Second Language information is submitted in the October submission for secondary school students who take their language courses in Quad 2 or Octomesters 3 or 4. This information would otherwise not be reported to OnSIS in March since the courses would have finished prior to the March count date.05401161TRILL-9955
SnapshotA student's Special Education information is now submitted by both the home and shared schools.05419483TRILL-9961

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