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TWebSchool Update v. 5.43.30


TWebSchool 5.43.30 - March 2021


  • TWebSchool v.5.43.30 is compatible with Core Trillium v.4.14.00 and up.
  • You must be running TWebSchool v.5.43.20 before updating to this version.
  • This version must be run only in a Java 8 environment.


Download is here.

Release Notes

AreaDetailsClient Ticket #JIRA


Students who arrived at the school after March 31 were not being included in the Independent Study register. This has been corrected.
TWebCEStudents who enrolled in an Independent Study course section more than once appeared multiple times on the register. This has been corrected.
TWebCEA student who moved from PT in October to FT in March was showing their Category of Pupil displayed as FT and therefore not having lessons completed in the first half of the year counted as funded lessons. This has been addressed by identifying the student as PT* to show that the student was PT for half of the year, and thus allow his lessons to count for funding.

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