Trillium's web-based Online Registration system (TWebOLR) retrieves data from our OnLine Registration application, part of VIA OnLine Forms, to process parents' student admission requests. TWebOLR:
Accepts prospective students' data from parents;
Allows school staff to validate it and add additional information;
Updates your Trillium database.
Click the picture to download a .pdf of a more comprehensive Overview of v. 1.50.10: TWebOLR_Overview_15010.docx
When parents make changes to existing students, TWebOLR's roll in Demographic Updater is documented here.
Trillium Web Registration
TWebOLR is used by your staff only after they've performed initial processing in OnLine Forms. Staff edit, if needed, parent submissions; then ClickMigrate in OnLine Forms:
Student Registration
The TWebOLR Student Registration form launches. The user is authenticated using SSO (Single Sign On). Users can update mandatory and optional fields for a student's registration.
Student Detail
The Student Registration page allows updating the student basic detail. The student basic details are populated from the Online Registration’s Submission file. School Staff can update the values, if required.
Legal Surname: This field is mandatory and is populated from Submission detail. The maximum length allowed is 40 characters. If the submission detail has a Surname longer than 40 characters, a warning message will display under the field and the value will be truncated at the time of registration.
First Name:Mandatory and is populated from Submission detail. The maximum length allowed is 20 characters. If the submission detail has a First Name longer than 20 characters, a warning message displays under the field and the value will be truncated at the time of registration.
Middle Name: This field is optional and is populated from Submission detail. The maximum length allowed is 20 characters. If the submission detail has a Middle Name longer than 20 characters, a warning message displays under the field and the value will be truncated at the time of registration.
Preferred Surname:Optional. Populated from Submission detail. The LegalSurname value will be used if this field is empty. The maximum length allowed is 40 characters. If the submission detail has a Surname longer than 40 characters, a warning message displays under the field and the value will be truncated at the time of registration.
First Name:Optional. Populated from Submission detail. The LegalFirst Name value will be used if this field is empty. The maximum length allowed is 20 characters. If the submission detail has a First Name longer than 20 characters, a warning message displays under the field and the value will be truncated at the time of registration.
Middle Name:Optional. Populated from Submission detail. The maximum length allowed is 20 characters. If the submission detail has a Middle Name longer than 20 characters, a warning message displays under the field and the value will be truncated at the time of registration.
Gender:Mandatory. Populated from Submission detail. It is a picklist.
Date of Birth:Mandatory. Populated from Submission detail. The format must be DD/MM/YYYY. The date must be less than today’s date.
Registration Detail
The Student Registration page allows you to enter/update the details required to register a student in Trillium. The few fields are populated from the Online Registration’s Submission file. School Staff can update the values if required.
School BSID: Mandatory and has value as per selected school. This will have a picklist in case the selected school has more than one BSID.
Effective Date: Mandatory and this date will be used as start date for Student Registration. It must meet these rules:
Must be in the format DD/MM/YYYY
Must be within the selected school year
Must be an attendance-taking day
Must be within the start and end date for the selected program
Track:Mandatory. It has a picklist populated with values selected from database, as per selected school and school year.
Register:Mandatory. It has a picklist populated with values selected from database as per selected school.
Entry Code:Mandatory and has a picklist populated from validation table Entry Types.
Grade:Mandatory and has value selected as per Submission detail. It has a picklist populated from database, as per selected school.
OSR School BSID:Mandatory and has default value same as of School BSID. You can change the value by clicking the button next to the field which will open a search window. Learn more about Search School BSID.
Student No:Mandatory. There is button next to the field to auto-generate the available Student Number. The Student Number must be nine digits with a format xxx-xxx-xxx. It must be unique.
OEN:Optional. The value must be unique and validated against Ministry rules. It must be nine digits with this format: xxx-xxx-xxx.
Program:Mandatory and has a value selected as per selected grade. It has a picklist populated from database as per grade selection. The picklist will be populated every time the grade value changes. The field is disabled if there is nothing selected for Grade.
Second Language:Optional. The default choice you find on your form is your school's Preference in Core Trillium.. It has a picklist value as per system-defined table fs_fsl_programs.
The Student Registration page allows you to update the funding details about the student.
Funding Type:Mandatory. It has only two fixed values: Pupil of the Board and Other Pupil of the Board. The default choice you find on your form is your school's Preference in Core Trillium.
Source:Mandatory if the selected funding type is Other Pupil of the Board.Otherwise, it's disabled. It has a picklist populated from the system-defined validation Table Funding Source. The default choice you find on your form is your school's Preference in Core Trillium.
Payer Type: Optional. It has a picklist populated from system-defined Validation Table Organization Types where Display for Funding flag is selected, if selected funding type is Other Pupil of the Board. Otherwise, the picklist displays a list having Person and Property Taxes as values. Property Taxes is the default selected value.
Payer: Optional. It has a picklist populated with values selected from database as per selected Payer Type when Payer Type is other than school. When school is your selected Payer Type, there's a button next to the field, with which you search the School BSID. Learn more about Search School BSID.
Note: A warning message displays before migration if the selected Payer Type is person. You'll need to manually update Payer after registration.
Message at the home screen
Conditional Fields in Student Registration
There are a few fields on the screen which are conditional. These fields are mandatory and will be visible on the form, based on which values you selected for the dependent fields.
Fields based on Entry Code selection
The application has a list of Ministry-Defined Entry Codes. Each Entry Code selected has a different set of fields which are mandatory.
BSID: Mandatory and visible when selected Entry Code has School mandatory flag selected. This field will be visible as read-only with a value, if prompt flag is not selected. The BSID text box displays the valueselected in CT Validation Table screen for table Entry Types. There will be a button next to the field to search the school BSID if the prompt flag is checked. Learn more about Search School BSID.
Name: This field is read-only and visible only when BSID field is visible. It will display the Board/School Name from the selected BSID.
Language of Instruction:Mandatory and visible when selected Entry Code has Languagemandatory flag selected in CT, as show in the above screen shot. This field will be visible as read-only with a value, if prompt flag is not selected in CT. The Language text box displays the valueselected in CT Validation Table screen for table Entry Types. If the prompt flag is selected, this field has a picklist populated from system-defined validation table Languages based on the official language flag checked.
Province: Mandatory and visible, as seen in the above screen shot; when the selected entry code has Provincemandatory flag checked in CT on the Validation Tables as shown in the screen shot below. This field will be visible as read-only with a value if prompt flag is not selected. The Province text box will default to the optional value entered in CT Validation Table screen for table Entry Types,shown below. If the prompt flag is selected, this field has a picklist populated from validation table Province/State. The picklist list will not include the default Province, as per Board Preference in Core Trillium.
Country: Mandatory and visible as shown above; when selected entry code has Countrymandatory flag checked in CT as shown in screen shot below. This field will be visible as read-only with a value if prompt flag is not selected. The Country text box will display the optional value selected in CT Validation Table screen for table Entry Types. If the prompt flag is selected, this will be a picklist populated from the system-defined validation table Countries. The picklist will not include the default Country, as per Board Preference in Core Trillium.
Fields based on School Type
School Type is Elementary
MOI: Mandatory if the Second Language field is not empty or the selected value for Second Language is not Exempted. The field default displays as per the School Preference in Core Trillium. The default value will be zero (0) if there is no value specified in the Preference. The value will be validated against Ministry rules.
MEQ:This field is visible only for Elementary French school boards. It's mandatory if the Second Language field is not empty and the selected value has a flag combined_program_flag_10 checked in database table fs_fsl_programs. The field default value is by the School Preference in Core Trillium. The value will be validated against Ministry rules.
Fields Based on Grade
Cohort: Mandatory and visible only for Grade 9 and up. It displays a picklist of the last 10 school years, as per selected school. This field also allows you to enter a new value for Cohort, if it is missing in the picklist. That value will be validated against these rules:
It must be eight characters
The first four digits + 1 = the last four digits, for instance: 20122013
First Entered ONE Sec. Schools After: Mandatory and visible only for Grade 9 and up, if the School Preference is set up in Core Trillium. It has a picklist with two values: Yes and No.
Fields Based on Program
International Language: This field is optional and visible only if the selected value for Program has International Language flag selected on the CT Validation Table screen. It has a picklist of values from the system-defined validation table, Languages.
Search School BSID
TWebOLR allows you to search for the school BSID using School Name and other criteria. The search launches from an ellipsis a button next to three fields:
When you click the button, this pop-up window appears:
School Board:Has a picklist displaying differing lists of School Boards, depending upon the screen you were on when you clicked the button. This chart explains:
Sr. No
Entry Codes
School Board
From OSR School BSID
Any Value
You'll see only current School Board
From Previous School - BSID
This School Board
You'll see only current School Board
From Previous School - BSID
Other School Board
List of all school boards
From Payer
This School Board
You'll see only current School Board
From Payer
Any other value
List of all school boards
School: This field is a text box into which you can type the School Name. The searched school list will contain the school having the entered school name.
Include Closed School: This field is a checkbox which directs the search criteria whether to include closed schools.
Include: This picklist contains School Types populated from the validation table School Types. You can select either one school type or select the option ALL. This value will be used as a search criteria.
Search Attributes: This is a group of checkboxes which further refines the schools to be includes in the search. The various attributes:
Search: When you Click Search, the entered fields we just covered will be used as search criteria, yielding results which look like this:
Click on the corresponding row to select the BSID. The pop-up window closes after clicking the row. The BSID will be used to populate the source field. For example, OSR School BSID.
Customized Parent Form Fields
The Parent Form is customizable. So, each school can set up its own fields which are going to be visible to the Parent. If Fields are visible on the screen, they should migrate to Trillium with Student Registration. Here is the list of fields/sections which can be migrated to Trillium:
Student and Contact Address data will also be migrated to Trillium. Here is the screen shot from the Parent Form in our Onlines Forms software. These 10 fields are not visible on the TWebOLR screen but will be validated and stored in the database with Student Registration. (Of course, once the data's in your database, you can edit these fields in Core Trillium or in TWebSchlAdmin's Student Maintenance.) Parents can enter more than one address for Student and/or Contacts. Each Address will have a priority assigned to it, based on the order in which the Address will be provided for each person.
Country:Mandatory for the address data. This field has an auto-suggest picklist which starts getting populated with matching Countries (containing the typed characters), using system-defined validation table Countries as you type characters into the field.
Province/State: Optional for the address data. This has an auto-suggest picklist which starts getting populated with matching Provinces (containing the typed characters and based on selected Country), using system-defined validation table Province/State as you type characters into the field.
Postal Code:Mandatory for the address data. This is a text box where you can enter only valid formatted postal codes XYX-YXY where X is any alphabet and Y is any number.
City:Mandatory for the address data. Has an auto-suggest picklist which starts getting populated with matching Cities (containing the typed characters and based on selected Country) using validation table Jurisdiction/Streets as you type characters into the field.
Township: Optional for the address data. Has an auto-suggest picklist which starts getting populated with matching Township (containing the typed characters and based on selected City) using validation table Jurisdiction/Streets as you type characters into the field.
Street Number:Mandatory for the address data. A text box where you can type in the Street Number.
Street Name:Mandatory for the address data. Has an auto-suggest picklist which starts getting populated with matching Street Names (containing the typed characters and based on selected City) using validation table Jurisdiction/Streets as you type characters into the field.
Apartment:Optional for the address data. A text box where you can type in the Apartment Number.
Post Office Box: Optional for the address data. A text box where you can type in the PO Box number.
Rural Route: Optional for the address data. A text box where you can type in the RR number.
Address Validation Using Trillium Validation Tables
These validations will be done on the addresses before saving to your Trillium database, if StreetPerfect is not enabled.
Street Name: The Street Name for each Address (Student and Contact) will be validated against the Trillium validation table. If the Street name is valid, the Address will be migrated to Trillium with Student Registration. Otherwise, the Address will be skipped and there will be a warning message on the home screen at the end and also on the Registration status screen (shown below).
Address Priority: Application validate priority uses these rules:
Priority can't be null;
Must be unique within each Address Type. (expired addresses aren't validated)
Message at the Home Screen
Address Validation Using Trillium Validation Tables
These validations will be done on the addresses before saving to your Trillium database, if StreetPerfect is not enabled.
Street Name: The Street Name for each Address (Student and Contact) will be validated against the Trillium validation table. If the Street name is valid, the Address will be migrated to Trillium with Student Registration. Otherwise, the Address will be skipped and there will be a warning message on the home screen at the end (shown here), and also on the Registration status screen (shown below).
Address Priority:Application validate priority uses these rules:
Priority can't be null;
Must be unique within each Address Type. (expired addresses aren't validated)
Message at the Home Screen
Message at the Registration Status screen
Postal Code: The Postal Code must be in valid format as XYX-YXY where X is any alphabet and Y is any number.
Address Validation Using StreetPerfect
These validations will be performed on the addresses before saving to your Trillium database using StreetPerfect.
Note: The Board Preference must be selected in Student Maintenance to use StreetPerfect.
Address:The complete address will be validated against StreetPerfect which includes:
Street Number
Street Name
Postal Code
If any of the above is wrong, the address is not a valid address.
Street Name:
If StreetPerfect finds the Address valid, but the Street Name doesn’t exist in your Trillium Validation tables, the Street Name will be added to those Validation tables before saving Student information to Trillium.
If StreetPerfect finds the Address valid, but the City doesn’t exist in your Trillium Validation tables, the City will be added to those Validation tables before saving Student information to Trillium.
Message at the Home Screen
When StreetPerfect finds an address invalid:
Message at Registration Status Screen:
The Student Contact data will also be migrated to Trillium. Here is the screen shot from the Parent form, from our OnLine Forms software. The fields listed under the screen shot are not visible on the screen in TwebOLR but will be validated and stored in the database with Student Registration. (Of course, once the data's in your database, you can edit these fields in Core Trillium or in TWebSchlAdmin's Student Maintenance.)
Relationship: This is mandatory field. It has a picklist populated from validation table Relationships
Prefix: An optional field. It has a picklist populated from validation table Salutations.
GivenNameb Mandatory field. A text box where you enter the Contact's First Name.
Family Name:Mandatory field. A text box where you enter the the Contact's Last Name.
Gender:Mandatory field. It has two checkboxes, Male and Female.
Guardian:Mandatory field. It has two checkboxes, Yes and No. It specifies whether the Contact is a Guardian to the Student.
Live with Student:Mandatory field. It has two checkboxes, Yes and No. It specifies whether the Contact lives with the Student.
Receives Mail:Mandatory field. It has two checkboxes, Yes and No. It specifies whether the Contact is going to receive mail for the Student.
Speaks School Language:Mandatory field. It has two checkboxes, Yes and No. It specifies whether the Contact speaks your school's language.
Has Access to Child: This is mandatory field. It has two checkboxes Yes and No. It specifies whether the Contact has access to the Student.
Has Custody:Mandatory field. It has two checkboxes, Yes and No. It specifies whether the Contact has custody for the Student.
Has Access to Records:Mandatory field. It has two checkboxes, Yes and No. It specifies whether the Contact has access to the Student's records.
Priority For Emergency:Mandatory field. It has checkboxes, numbered 1 to 4 and N/A. It specifies the Contact’s priority to be informed in case of emergency for the Student.
Priority For School Closure:Mandatory field. It has checkboxes, numbered 1 to 4 and N/A. It specifies the Contact’s priority to be informed in case of school closure for the Student.
Place of Employment: Optional. This field is a text box where you can enter the Contact’s place of employment.
Telecom Fields:There are few fields which are related to telecom data for the contact. See Telcom Information for details.
Address Fields: There are few fields which are related to address data for the contact. Read the next section:
Contact Validation
Before the Contact gets saved into your Trillium database, TWebOLR performs these validations:
Duplicate Contact: Our TWEBOLR will check whether a duplicate contact exists before saving Contact data to the Trillium database. This validation depends on your settings in Core Trillium. If the checkbox Exclude Person from Find is selected, the duplicate Contact validation will be skipped. The new Contact will be created in Trillium, regardless of duplicate record.
If this checkbox is cleared, TWebOLR looks for the exact match for the Contact with Name and Contact End Date and Home Phone Number or Cell Phone Number. If there is an exact match, the existing Contact will be used for the Student in the Trillium. Otherwise, we create a new record.
Telecom Information
The telecom data related to the Student and Contact will also be migrated to Trillium.
Here is the screenshot from the Parent form. The three fields will not be visible in TWebOLR but will be validated and stored in the database with student registration. (Of course, once the data's in your database, you can edit these fields in Core Trillium or in TWebSchlAdmin's Student Maintenance.)
The Parent can create more than one telecom entry for Student and/or the Contacts. Each phone number will have a priority assigned to it based on the order in which the phone number was entered for each person.
Type: This is mandatory field. It's a set of radio buttons which specify Type of the phone number.
Telephone Number:Mandatory field. A text box where you can type in the phone number. The required format displays below the field.
Listed:Mandatory field. A set of radio buttons which specifies whether the phone number is listed.
eMail Information - Optional
Email Address: An optional field. A text box where you can type in the valid email address.
CASL: Also an optional field. There are two radio buttons, Yes and No.
Medical Information - Optional
The medical data related to the student will also be migrated to Trillium.
Here is the screenshot from the parent form. This data is not visible on the screen in TWebOLR but will be validated and stored in the database with student registration. (Of course, once the data's in your database, you can edit these fields in Core Trillium or in TWebSchlAdmin's Student Maintenance.)
Health Card Number: Another optional field. A text box where you can enter your Student's health card number with version.
Medical Condition:Also anoptional field. This field is a picklist which displays the various medical conditions you've entered into Core Trillium.
First Name: Another optional field. A text box where you can enter the first name of your student's doctor.
Last Name: Optional field. A text box where you can enter the last name of your student's doctor.
Doctor’s phone: Optional field. A text box where you can enter the phone number of your student's doctor.
Doctor Validation
Doctor Exist: Our TWEBOLR will check whether the doctor exists in your validation table Doctors, before saving data to the Trillium database. If the doctor exists based on an exact match for Name and Phone Number, the Student record will be inserted with the reference to the Doctor. Otherwise, Doctor information will be skipped in the registration process. The registration status message will tell you whether the doctor was skipped; a message like the one below would also mention the doctor information.
Register Student
There are two buttons on the screen:
Register Student: When you click this button, the registration process gets started, which updates data in Trillium for:
Student Detail
Registration Details
Enrollment Details
Address Details
Contact Details
Telecom Details
Medical Details
After validating the data, the Registration Status Screen will appear with the Status.
Cancel: When you Click Cancel, the migration process is cancelled and control goes back to the Online Registration portal – submission detail page.